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The Harfours, Haraforas, or Alforas, for they have been thus variously named, have often been described as inhabiting the interior of many of the large islands of the Malayan Archipelago, but, as Prichard remarks, "nothing can be more puzzling than the contradictory accounts which are given of their physical characters and manners.

We add an alphabetical list of some of the words which have occurred in the preceding pages. Arafuras, or Haraforas, natives of Papua. Balanian, wild tribes in Borneo. Bandar, or Bandhara, treasurer, high steward, high officer of state. Basaya, tribes in the interior of Borneo Proper, locating near and resembling the Murut. Borneo, the island of, written "Bruni" by the inhabitants.

Datus, strictly, native chiefs, heads of tribes. Dusun, agricultural villagers on the northern extremity of Borneo. Dyaks; or Dyak, aborigines of Borneo, and generally pronounced Dyah. Dyak Darrat, Land Dyaks. Dyak Laut, Sea Dyaks. Gantong, a Malay measure for rice. Gunong, a mountain. Hadji, a Mahomedan who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca. Haraforas, or Arafuras, natives of Papua.