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There was only this man what's murdered, and the other man, and as for the other man I will say this, that 'e 'adn't got twopennyworth of clothes to cover 'im. But, Mr Phillips, howsomever that may be, that's the last Harab I'll 'ave under my roof, no matter what they pays, and you may mark my words I'll 'ave no more.

'When I 'ears a knockin' at my front door, and when I comes to open it, there was a Harab party, with a great bundle on 'is 'ead, bigger nor 'isself, and two other parties along with him. This Harab party says, in that queer foreign way them Harab parties 'as of talkin', "A room for the night, a room."

"Why, because, Master 'Aarry, you belong to the hold sheik, as is plainly a Harab, an' oose port of hentry lies in a different direction, that be to the northart." "It's all likely enough," said Colin; "Bill's prognostication is but too probable." "Why, ye see, Maister Colin, they are only land sharks who ha'e got hold o' us.

That there Harab what I chucked out 'alf a hour ago been and murdered 'im, and left 'im behind up in my back room. You run as 'ard as you can tear and tell them there dratted pleese what's so fond of shovin' their dirty noses into respectable people's 'ouses." So I comes and tells yer. That's all I knows about it.

'I beg your pardon, sir, but I saw a Harab myself about a hour ago, leastways he looked like as if he was a Harab. 'What sort of a looking person was he? 'I can't 'ardly tell you that, sir, because I didn't never have a proper look at him, but I know he had a bloomin' great bundle on 'is 'ead. ... It was like this, 'ere.

Now I don't much care for foreigners, and never did, especially them Harabs, which their 'abits ain't my own, so I as much 'ints the same. But this 'ere Harab party, he didn't seem to quite foller of my meaning, for all he done was to say as he said afore, "A room for the night, a room." And he shoves a couple of 'arf crowns into my 'and.

He passed through a door into an inner room and the 'report' went with him. 'Beg pardon, sir, but was that a Harab you was a-talking about to the Hinspector? The speaker was a gentleman unmistakably of the gutter-snipe class. He was seated on a form. Close at hand hovered a policeman whose special duty it seemed to be to keep an eye upon his movements. 'Why do you ask?

As I says afore, shriek after shriek, when you put your ear to the panel there was a noise like some other party blubbering, but that weren't nothing, as for the hollering you wouldn't have thought that nothing what you might call 'umin could 'ave kep' up such a screechin'. I thumps and thumps and at last when I did think that I should 'ave to 'ave the door broke down, the Harab says to me from inside, "Go away!

'A pure-bred Harab not the sort of breed as is used to round here different sort from our sort altogether. They say as he got her from Constantinople. 'He would! said Ursula. 'He'd better have left her to the Turks, I'm sure they would have had more decency towards her. The man went in to drink his can of tea, the girls went on down the lane, that was deep in soft black dust.