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Mr. Hankins withdrew, greatly crestfallen, and the despot of the Blue Star office turned to his trusted lieutenants. "Well," he declared, "one after the other you have to come to the old man to be shown. I guess I've proved to you two boys this morning that I'm to be trusted with buying a few ships and letting contracts for a few more, haven't I?"

Scarcely had Skinner departed when one of the Blue Star steamers ran ashore on the Southern California coast, and Captain Matt Peasley left immediately for the scene of the disaster to superintend the work of floating the stranded vessel. This left Cappy riding herd on the destinies of the Blue Star ships, with Mr. Hankins, Skinner's understudy, looking after the lumber.

William Hankins lighted her fire with coal oil on February 23. Her clothes fit the present Mrs. Or, if he now begins to "jump" with an almost American agility it is because the cleverest witticisms of the Detroit Free Press are now constantly served up to him in the comic columns of his evening paper. We have got the length of being consumers if not producers of this style of jest.

Then give Matt a check for the next payment due that man MacCandless on the Narcissus and after you've cleaned up with Matt, Skinner, have Hankins issue him seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of stock half in the Blue Star and half in the Ricks Lumber & Logging Company.

"Bully for you, Alden P., you old, three-ply, copper-riveted, reinforced, star-spangled jack-ass!" he murmured. "Why didn't you think of it before and save yourself all this grief?" His hand shot out once more to the push-button. "Send in Mr. Hankins, sonny," he ordered the office boy. Mr. Hankins was the cashier; also secretary of all of Cappy's companies, of which Mr.

Tell Hankins, also, to call a special meeting of the board of directors of both companies for ten o'clock tomorrow and to be sure to have a quorum present. And in the meantime put the Narcissus under provisional American registry." "Why, what are you going to do?" Mr. Skinner demanded wonderingly. Cappy walked tip to his general manager and affectionately placed his hand on Skinner's arm.

"Fer my part," said Cynthy Ann, as she walked home with Jonas, "fer my part, I don't believe none of his nonsense. Why didn't he say the world was goin' to wind up? An' our persidin' elder is a heap better instructed than Hankins, and he says God don't tell nobody when the world's goin' to wind up." "Goin' to run down, you mean, Cynthy Ann.

The reader must understand that all this time Elder Hankins continued to bombard Clark township with the thunders and lightnings of the Apocalypse, continued to whirl before the dazed imaginations of his rustic hearers the wheels within wheels and the faces of the living creatures of 'Zek'el, continued to cipher the world out of existence according to formulas in Dan'el, marched out the he-goat, made the seven heads and ten horns of the beast do service over and over again.

Hankins explained, "he's been anxious for news; and ever since his arrival in Callao he's cabled us every other day latterly every day asking whether the baby has been born, and whether it's a boy or a girl." "A very pardonable human curiosity, my boy. Proceed."

Julia was powerfully impressed, not by the declamations of Hankins, for she had sensibility enough to recoil from his vivisection of Scripture, though she had been all her life accustomed to hear it from other than Millerites, but she was profoundly affected by the excitement about her.