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No one would believe me; I was almost as queer to men as I had been to the Beast People. I may have caught something of the natural wildness of my companions. They say that terror is a disease, and anyhow I can witness that for several years now a restless fear has dwelt in my mind, such a restless fear as a half-tamed lion cub may feel. My trouble took the strangest form.

His face was as calm as though he were watching the stars, and in his eyes there burned that steady radiance before which even the half-tamed hunting leopard shrinks, and the fierce blood-hound pauses in his leap.

Some understanding of how the other woman had been won to the leap with him, was drawing in about her. She would have liked to beg for the story; and she could as little do that as bring her tongue to reproach. If we come to the den! she said to her thought of reproach. Our semi-civilization makes it a den, where a scent in his nostrils will spring the half-tamed animal away to wildness.

They were all well mounted on half-tamed prairie horses, their swarthy forms fantastically painted, and their heads and tunics adorned with shells, beads, and feathers, which gave them a wild, grotesque, but not unbecoming appearance.

Lying indolently here, like a half-tamed sullen beast, distracts me. 'I don't know, said Newman; 'small things offer they would pay the rent, and more but you wouldn't like them; no, you could hardly be expected to undergo it no, no. 'What could I hardly be expected to undergo? asked Nicholas, raising his eyes.

Vaupell, though agreeing with other writers as to the injury done to the forest by most domestic animals and by half-tamed deer which he illustrates in an interesting way in his posthumous work, The Danish Woods thinks, nonetheless, that at the season when the mast is falling, swine are rather useful than otherwise to forests of beech and oak, by treading into the ground and thus sowing beechnuts and acorns, and by destroying moles and mice.

The visible ocean seemed to make war upon the land, and the dwellers thereon. Restrained by the will of God and by him made subject more and more to the advancing knowledge of those who were created to rule over it, it was yet like a half-tamed beast ever ready to break loose and devour its masters.

Young fellows placed on their good behavior are apt to get restless and nervous, all ready to fly off into some mischief or other. Dick Venner had his half-tamed horse with him to work off his suppressed life with.

Sir Walter beckoned to Tammuz, and the man came like a half-tamed dog, eyeing his lord warily. "You have given me more than mine own life this day, Tammuz of the Ford," he said a trifle unsteadily. "Kneel." And then and there Tammuz received his freedom and a hide of land for his own and his children's after him. In the following months many hidden things came to light.

It is the Castle of Indolence, not as Thomson built it, but as Beckford drew in his Hall of Eblis, a wandering up and down, to and fro; a great, awful space, with your hand pressed to your heart; and oh for a rush on some half-tamed horse through the measureless green wastes of Australia!