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As Thornton got to his feet, Buck seized his mittened hand between his jaws, pressing in with his teeth and releasing slowly, half-reluctantly. It was the answer, in terms, not of speech, but of love. Thornton stepped well back. "Now, Buck," he said. Buck tightened the traces, then slacked them for a matter of several inches. It was the way he had learned. "Gee!"

"Now, our Lady forbid!" exclaimed Adrian, with so devout an earnestness that the bystanders could not refrain from laughing; and even Montreal grimly and half-reluctantly, joined in the merriment. The courtesy of his foe, however, conciliated and touched the more frank and soldierly qualities of his nature, and composing himself, he replied:

"But you generally rest before dinner!" said Dinah, full of self-reproach, "Eustace, ought she not to rest?" Eustace glanced at his sister half-reluctantly, and a shade of concern crossed his face also. "Are you feeling faint?" he asked her. "Do you want anything?" "No, no! Of course not!" She averted her face sharply from his look. "Go on talking to Dinah! I am all right."

Surely his constant companionship will atone for all you relinquish." "Take off your coat and hat, Ethel, and sit down comfortably. I don't know about Basil's constant companionship. Tete-a-tetes are tiresome affairs sometimes." "Yes," replied Ethel, as she half-reluctantly removed her coat, "they were a bore undoubtedly even in Paradise.

I am going to play at battledore and shuttlecock with the boys in the dining-room. Who will come, too? Qui m'aime me suit." "Then I will be the first to follow," said Hugo, in her ear. She pouted and drank her tea, glancing half-reluctantly toward Rupert. But he would not heed. "I will come, too," said Elizabeth, relieving the awkwardness of a rather long pause. "I always like to see you play.

"I must go in now. Here you are!" She gave him back his whip. "Good-bye! Get home quick and change!" He turned half-reluctantly; then paused. "You might tell me your name anyway," he said. She had begun to move away, light-footed, swift as a bird. She also paused. "My name is Denys," she said. He put his hand to his cap again. "Miss Denys?" "No. Mrs. Denys. Good-bye!" She was gone.

As if under the influence of a charm, she began to advance towards me, now hesitating, now moving back a few steps, now approaching, half-reluctantly, half willingly, until, utterly vanquished by the long trembling close of the last cadence of the air, she ran suddenly up to me, and falling at my feet, raised her hands as if to implore my pardon. 'Truly this was no common tribute to your skill!

I was not in a fighting mood, but I had never refused a challenge, and, somehow, the thought of bloodshed eased my pain a little. So, half-reluctantly, I followed him, as he eagerly led the way to the coal cellar. Even on this August day it was cold down there. Long cobwebs trailed, spectre-like from the beams, and a faint squeaking of young mice could be heard in the walls.

Moreover, the party had accumulated so much extra weight in the shape of valuable skins, natural history specimens, and other curiosities, as to seriously affect the buoyancy of the Flying Fish as an aerial ship; and they therefore at last more than half-reluctantly came to the determination to desert the enchanted region of the Pole and wend their way southward.

"Don't come if you don't want to, you know." She laughed half-reluctantly, conscious of a queer desire to please him. Olga's words were running in her brain. He had fed on dust and ashes. Yet still she hesitated. "Will you wait for me?" "Till doomsday," said Nick obligingly. And drawn by a power that would not be withstood, she went down, still smiling, and joined him in the garden.