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Layard long ago observed that the resemblance which it bears to the Scythian cap is too slight to prove any connection. The pointed helmet admitted of but few varieties. More often it had, in lieu of this effectual but cumbrous guard, a mere lappet or cheek-piece, consisting of a plate of metal, attached to the rim, which descended over the ears in the form of a half-oval or semicircle.

Why, sometimes I envy little Angela her wings." The five women reclined on long, low rustic couches in the big, cleared half-oval that was the Playground for their children. It began this half-oval in high land among the trees and spread down over a beach to the waters of a tiny cove. Between the high tapering boles of the pines at their back the sky dropped a curtain of purple.

On this, one of the smaller working-bees whose belly was empty came, and after surveying the wall, made a flat half-oval excavation in the middle of one of its sides; she piled up the wax thus excavated round the edge of the excavation. After a short time she was relieved by another like herself, till more than twenty followed one another in this way.

Descending the great spiral staircase with its slender mahogany balusters, here and there a break, I caught sight of the entrance hall below with its hanging glass lantern, quaint haircloth sofas lining the white walls, and half-oval tables heaped with flowers, and so on through the wide-open door leading out upon a vine-covered porch.