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"By all means," she said decisively. "We can face these mysteries better by daylight, and we've had enough excitement for one night." So they all paddled hard while the girls' eyes remained fixed in half-fearful, half-hopeful expectation upon the shadowy shore. For these girls were outdoor girls, and adventure was the breath of life to them.

"Get busy at what?" asked Susan, half-hopeful, half in scorn. "Oh, anything!" "Yes, and Thorny getting forty-five after twelve years!" "Well, but you've told me yourself how Thorny wastes time, and makes mistakes, and conies in late, and goes home early " "As if that made any difference! Nobody takes the least notice!" Susan said hotly.

Clara stood close by him, with her cloak in both hands ready to throw about her shoulders, and a strange look in her eyes, as if she were half-hopeful, half-doubtful of her father. "Well, boys and girls," said Northmour, "how about a sally? The oven is heating; it is not good to stay here and be baked; and, for my part, I want to come to my hands with them, and be done."

I suppose you really have no home?" she essayed in the half-hopeful tone to be expected of one who considered that a being so endowed by nature must suffer some compensatory discomforts. "Yes and no," answered Miss Ray urbanely. "In one sense we army girls have no home. In another, we have homes everywhere."

One day, as he closed the book, his heart was so full of a strange, half-hopeful, half-fearful longing, that it overflowed in tears; and amid his weeping came a memory of Marcian, a tender memory of the days of their friendship: for the first time he bewailed the dead man as one whom he had dearly loved. Then there sounded a knock at the door of his cell.

Pray step into the cab, and I shall soon be able to tell you everything which you would wish to know." The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us with half-frightened, half-hopeful eyes, as one who is not sure whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe. Then he stepped into the cab, and in half an hour we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street.

To him Abdulla half-hopeful, half-desperate, repaired: and the Syed came into his house and gave Afiza a potion composed of incense-ashes and water from the Miran shrine. But the evil spirit was terribly violent; and it required regular treatment of this nature for fully twenty days ere it could be dislodged.

Both Irene and her husband knew that he was observing them closely all the while, and a consciousness of this put them under some constraint. Everything passed harmoniously, and Mr. Delancy returned with the half-hopeful, half-doubting words on his lips, so often and often repeated "Yes, yes, it may come out right." But it was not coming out altogether right.