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In old days, Stafford, rigidly repressing his aesthetic delight in such literature, had condemned its teaching with half-angry contempt, and enough of his former estimate of things remained to him to prevent him regarding such a state of mind as it pictured as a romantic elevation rather than a hopeless degradation of a man's being.

I brought a second billy of water, but he turned from it with disgust. "If you could make a sort of an effort, Alf," I suggested. He treated me to a half-angry, half-reproachful look, and turned away his face. I rose to my feet, and rolled back the tarpaulin half-way along the jigger, for the heat was still suffocating. "Is there anything more I can do for you just now, Alf?" I asked presently.

Chepstow had persuaded Meyer Isaacson to take kept him awake that night. Like some evil potion, it banished sleep and peopled the night with a rushing crowd of thoughts. Presently he did not even try to sleep. He gave himself to the crowd with a sort of half-angry joy. In the afternoon he had been secretly puzzled by Mrs. Chepstow.

Once more she was at peace but what a peace! She took off her cloak and bonnet, laid them on the bed, went to the window, sat down, and gazed, hardly seeing, out on the cold garden with its sodden earth, its leafless shrubs, and perennial trees of darkness and mourning. The meadow lay beyond, and there she did see the red cow busily feeding, and was half-angry with her.

The next moment he became aware of Kate's presence in the doorway. With eyes alight and half-angry, half-impatient, Charlie Bryant turned upon her. "Why have you taken this wagon, Kate?" he demanded, going to the point of his concern without preamble. The woman drew a sharp breath.

A sudden gush of tears followed this cold, half-angry repulse; and then the maiden turned slowly away and left the room. John Barclay's anger towards his only sister, who had no one, as she had feelingly said, in the wide world to look up to and love, but him, subsided the moment he saw how deeply his rebuke had wounded her.

Averil I I you can call me mad if you like, but if you send me away again I believe I shall shoot myself." "What nonsense!" exclaimed Averil, half-angry, half-scornful. He dropped her hands and stood quite still for the space of a few seconds, his face white and twitching. And then, to her utter amazement, he sank heavily into a chair and covered his face with his hands. "Dick!" she ejaculated.

She's got six months more, then she's comin' home for a spell until she goes teachin'," and a look of exultant pride and joy of which I had never believed her capable came into her eyes. Marvin turned his head and in a half-angry way said: "It's 'bout time. Little good ye've had o' her for the last four years with yer fool notions 'bout eddication." And he put on his hat and went out.

"Pardon, Mademoiselle," said I, in affected innocence, "if I have so far forgotten myself as to assume a habit of my own country to a stranger." A half-angry toss of the head was her only reply, and turning towards the garden, she called to her friend:

Cope felt a half-angry tremor run through him. He was none the less perturbed because Medora Phillips meant obviously no offense. Hortense and Carolyn were viewed as but her delegates; they were doing for her what she would have been glad to be able to do for herself. Clearly, in her mind, there was not to be another Amy. Well, that was something, he thought.