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Tell me, you have been talking with Captain Len Guy; have you spoken about me?” “Not yet, Mr. Jeorling. There’s plenty of time. The Halbrane has only just arrived, and ” “Yes, yes, I know. But you understand that I want to be certain as soon as possible.” “There’s nothing to fear. The matter will be all right. Besides, you would not be at a loss in any case.

It is incomprehensible that we have not come in sight of them,” said the captain. “I reckon that the Halbrane has made sixty miles since this morning, and the islands in question are tolerably close together.” “Then, captain, we must conclude and it is not unlikely that the group to which Tsalal belonged has entirely disappeared in the earthquake.” “Land ahead!” cried Dirk Peters.

“I repeat that I have thought over it, and I add that the Halbrane shall proceed direct to Tristan d’Acunha. That will suit you, I suppose?” “To perfection, captain. To-morrow morning, at seven o’clock, I shall be on board.” “Your cabin is prepared.” “The cost of the voyage ” “We can settle that another time,” answered the captain, “and to your satisfaction. Until to-morrow, then

It was not until the 2nd of January in the present year that they sighted land east of the Jane Sound. Now, we already knew this land was not more than fifty miles from Halbrane Land. Yes! so small, relatively, was the distance that separated us from those whom we had sought for in the antarctic regions far and wide, and concerning whom we had lost hope.

It remained only to endeavour to reach the south-east point of it. At any rate, by following that course we lost nothing in latitude; and, in fact, on the 18th the observation taken made the seventy-third parallel the position of the Halbrane.

He relates, before the scene of the lot-drawing, that but for one of these turtles the shipwrecked crew of the Grampus must have died of hunger and thirst. If Pym is to be believed, some of the great turtles weigh from twelve to fifteen hundred pounds. Those of Halbrane Land did not go beyond seven or eight hundred pounds, but their flesh was none the less savoury.

Sailors of the Halbrane, since our departure from Tsalal Island, the schooner has gained two degrees southwards, and I now inform you, that, conformably with the engagement signed by Mr. Jeorling, four thousand dollars that is two thousand dollars for each degree are due to you, and will be paid at the end of the voyage.”

The main point is that we are quite sure my brother and five of his sailors were living less than four months ago on some part of Tsalal Island. There is now no question of a romance signed ‘Edgar Poe,’ but of a veracious narrative signed ‘Patterson.’“ “Captain,” said I, “will you let me be one of your company until the end of the campaign of the Halbrane in the Antarctic seas?”

Thus had they been borne upon the unknown deep for twenty-five days, their resources were completely exhausted, and they had not eaten for forty-eight hours, when the boat, with its occupants lying inanimate at the bottom of it, was sighted from Halbrane Land. The rest is already known to the reader of this strange eventful history.

Atkins had told Hurliguerly on his arrival that I would take passage on the Halbrane, if Captain Len Guy consented to my doing so, and the boatswain presented himself on the following morning without any notice or introduction. He already knew my name, and he accosted me as follows: “Mr. Jeorling, I salute you.” “I salute you in my turn, my friend. What do you want?” “To offer you my services.”