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As the only male present, it would be my duty to interfere in case the combatants came to blows, or rather to scratches and hair-pulling.

"Mother wants me to be a minister, but I think I'd rather be a horse-doctor." Elizabeth looked dubious. She did not like to differ from Mother MacAllister, but she could not see how it would be possible to make anything like a minister out of such an uncomfortable, hair-pulling stone-thrower as Charles Stuart. "You'd best be a horse-doctor, Charles Stuart," she advised wisely.

"Bless your heart, no!" cried Peter. "Why, it was only a little old kicking-match and hair-pulling, you know, hardly worse than a college rush." Varney looked suddenly and strangely relieved. "I'm mighty glad to hear that," he said, and presently added: "Have you seen Smith?" "Smith! He went to New York some days ago. I remember it was the very day you pulled up and got well. Why, what about him?"

The poor old peddler I now saw trying to cross Broadway was Shmerl the Pincher, the man with whom my mother had a pinching and hair-pulling duel after she found the marks of his cruelty on my young body. He had been one of the most heartless of my tormentors, yet it was so thrillingly sweet to see him in New York!

A report or two of record-breaking diamond sales by Tiffany to the kings and czars of dollar royalty, then front-page news stories of clawing, mauling, and hair-pulling wrangles among the stage harlots for the possession of these diamonds.

We held our breaths, the raps under the table redoubled, and there were all sorts of by-play, such as hair-pulling and arm-pinching, but no Katie. The gauze which was going to be her gave up trying and disappeared altogether. "Never mind," said the Prince.

She was taking advantage of him, defying him, spying upon him the brat he had fed and brought up for ten years! Her beauty as she stood there did not hold him back. It was punishment she needed, a beating, a hair-pulling, until there was no breath left in her impudent body. He sprang forward, and Peter let out a wild yip as he saw Nada raise her stick. But she was a moment too slow.

"Before you stage the hair-pulling contest," he said, "would you mind telling us poor benighted males what it is all about?" So the girls told them all about Professor Dempsey, and while they talked the boys became more and more excited. Finally Will could keep quiet no longer.

My brain's as good as theirs, give it a chance. But oh, they're all against me. And they bust the Athletic Union's wrestling rule that 'striking, kicking, gouging, hair-pulling, butting, and strangling will not be allowed. How long can I go on being good-natured? When I do break loose "

Not a single allusion to the contrast of 'white niggahs and black gen'lemen. Nor did the unruly, disorderly African character ever show itself, as formerly it often did, by fisticuffing, hair-pulling, and cursing, with a mixture of English and Dark-Continent ideas and phraseology, whose tout ensemble was really portentous.