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To the latter Thorndyke advanced, and, having turned back the bedclothes, examined the interior attentively, especially at the foot and the pillow. The latter was soiled not to say grimy though the rest of the bed-linen was quite clean. "Hair-dye," remarked Thorndyke, noting my glance at it; then he turned and looked out of the open window.

Brown slipped in quietly, closed the door softly, stood with her back against it, and her hand on the knob, and beckoned me mysteriously towards her. Then she asked in a low voice, "Is hair-dye poisonous?" I was too confounded to speak. "Oh, do! you know what I mean," she said impatiently. "This stuff."

I knew the minute my back was turned they would fasten into me and hint that I used hair-dye and declare it was perfectly ridiculous for a woman of FIFTY to wear a pink muslin dress with lace-trimmed frills. There was a full attendance that day, for we were getting ready for a sale of fancy work in aid of parsonage repairs. The young girls were merrier and noisier than usual.

The fourth, and last page was filled with more plate matter and a litter of "foreign" advertising patent-medicines, soaps, hair-dye. At the first glance it appeared that the paper must be a paying proposition, for there were a goodly proportion of advertisements. Yet Hollis had his suspicions about the advertisements.

Julian, you may think you know women. You don't. I said just now that a woman like Cuckoo Bright is nothing, but I said it for the sake of uttering a paradox. No woman is ever nothing in a world that is full of the things called men. No woman's ever nothing so long as there is a bottle of hair-dye, a rouge-pot, a dressmaker, and a man within reach. She may be in the very gutter.

"Let me out and look at me," said Mr. Simpson. There was a faint scream from both ladies, followed by protests. "Don't be alarmed," said Mr. Cooper, reassuringly. "I wasn't born yesterday. I don't want to get a crack over the head." "It's all a mistake, Bob," said the prisoner, appealingly. "I just had a shave and a haircut and and a little hair-dye. If you open the door you'll know me at once."

She sat near the fire, for the evening was chilly, and what with paint and powder, and hair-dye, to say nothing of her artistic and carefully chosen dress, looked barely thirty-five in the rosy lights cast by the shaded lamps. "I don't mean you, dear," murmured the hostess, who was even more untidy and helpless than usual. "You are quite a host in yourself.

And she fell again to brooding, and to an ignorant and vague consciousness of impotence. She bought a new hair-dye, painted her thin cheeks more heavily than ever before, and sought, almost with a wild exultation that swiftly fled away, to sink lower. The monotony of sin is one of the scourges of sin. In those days Cuckoo suffered many stripes.

"More like hair-dye, sir," said he, and rubbing desperately at his fingers, he added, "I can't get them decent." "Ah, let them rest!" said Dennis. "It's painting the lily to adorn them. On ye go; and mind ye keep near to us, and we'll make a landlubber's parliament in a corner to ourselves." My first friend had thawed, and went cheerfully ahead of us, as I was very glad to see.

For they seemed thin and ghostly, they too, to-day, fit food for the fog, as indeed the whole of her was. How could such as she evaporate into sweet air, a clear heaven? She caught at the hand-glass, leaning far out on the bed, as the blessed damozel o'er the bright bar of heaven, and tried to see, with staring eyes, how the new hair-dye that she was now using became her.