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I haena muckle upo' my han's jist the day. Ye see I haena won richt into my wark again yet." "Annie an' me 's jist been haeing a crack thegither aboot this thing an' that thing, Thamas," said Tibbie, dropping her knitting on her knees, and folding her palms together.

He's behaved ill eneuch wantin that lattin a gowk o' a lassie like you believe what ye likit, and him only carryin on wi' ye for the ploy o' 't, haeing naething to du, and sick o' his ain toom heid and still toomer hert; but a man's word's his word, and Francie's no sae ill as your tale wud mak him! There, Phemy, I hae said my say! She loosened her arms.

A third son of Olvir was Steinmod, who was the father of Konal, the father of Alfdis of the Barra Isles. Konal's son was named Steimnod; he was the father of Halldora, whom Eilif, the son of Ketil the One-handed, married. Ofeig Grettir married Asny, the daughter of Vestar, the son of Haeing. His sons were Asmund the Beardless and Asbjorn, and his daughters were named Aldis, Aesa, and Asvor.

"Wallace, what are you so solemnly aye-ayeing about? Why so mysterious?" enquired Mary. "I'm haeing a few thochts," responded the Scot, his expression divided between an irritating smile and a kindly twinkle. "Well, don't be annoying, and stay to lunch," said Mary, dispensing even justice to both expressions.

Peter; while maister is for haeing you it a bank or twa in your pouch, and add Ellenmount to Lockerby, and " "And if I could, Janet?" "Tut, tut, lad! If it werna for 'if' you might put auld Scotland in a bottle." "But what was the upshot, Janet?" "I canna tell. God alone understan's quarreling folk."

And what's the use o' their haeing a policeman when they winna come to the lock-up after I lay hands on them?" "Do they say they won't come?" "Say? Catch them saying onything! They just gie me a wap into the gutters. If they would speak I wouldna complain, for I'm nat'rally the sociablest man in Thrums." "Rob, however, had spoken to you." "Because he had need o' me.