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Vienne, 1784. 8vo. Neueste Reisen, 1788 1795, durch die Daceschen und Sarmateschen Carpathen. Von B. Hacquet. Nuremb. 1796. 4 vols. 8vo. Briefe uber Triestes, Krain, Kærnthen, Steyermark, und Saltzburgh. Franck. 1793. 8vo. Briefe uber das Bannet. Von Steube, 1793. 8vo. F. Grisselini, Lettere di Venetea, Trieste, Carinthia, Carnioli e Temeswar. Milan, 1780. 4to.

Bernouilli, in his travels in Switzerland, has copied Andreæ in what relates to mineralogy and cabinets of natural history; but he has added some interesting descriptions of paintings. Kleine reisen durch einige Schweizer-Cantons. Bâle, 1780. 8vo. Zurich, 1792. 8vo. Physikalesch-Politische Reisen, aus der Dinarischen durch die Julischen, &c. in die Norischen. Alpen, 1781-83. Von B. Hacquet.

It is, however, not confined to mineralogy, but contains curious notices on some tribes inhabiting Transylvania and the adjacent districts, very little known: it is translated into French. Ferber, Physikalisch-metallurgische Abhandlunger uber die Gebirge and Bergewecke in Ungarn. Berlin, 1780. 8vo. Balthazar Hacquet, Reise von dem Berge Terglou in Krain, au den Berg Glokner in Tyrol, 1779 1781.

Bernoulli's Collection of Travels, Samlung kleiner reise beschriebungen, Leips. 1781-7, 18 vols. 8vo., contains many interesting short narratives and descriptions, particularly relating to Germany. Reise durch die Norischen Alpen. Von Hacquet. Leips. 8vo. 1791. These travels, like the former by the same author, which we have mentioned, are chiefly botanical and mineralogical.