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"Gutsho, alanna? thurm pogue? come here, child, and kiss me," said Owen to his little namesake; "an' sure I can't forget the little woman here; gutsho, a colleen, and kiss: me too." Owen took her on his knee, and kissed her twice. "Och, but poor Kathleen," said he, "will be the proud woman of this, when she hears it; in throth she will be that." "Arrah! what's comin' over me!" said Mrs. Farrell.

The next Sunday was the day appointed; so I had my uncle's family prepared, and sent two gallons of whiskey, to be there before us, knowing that neither the Finigans nor my own friends liked stinginess. * Comedher come hither alluding to the burden of an old love-charm which is still used by the young of both sexes on May-morning. It is a literal translation of the Irish word "gutsho."

As soon as this dreadful rite was completed, we were again startled by several loud bursts of laughter, which proceeded from the lower darkness of the chapel; and the Captain, on hearing them, turned to the place, and reflecting for a moment, said in Irish, "Gutsho nish, avohenee come hither now, boys."