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In general, it is certain that the greater part of the cells that compose the vessels and their contents come from the mesoderm in fact, from the gut-fibre layer; it was on this account that Baer gave the name of "vascular layer" to this visceral layer of the coeloma. But other important observers say that a part of these cells come from other germinal layers, especially from the gut-gland layer.

In the inner layer a number of small glandular tubes are formed from the gut-gland layer; these are the peptic glands that secrete the gastric juice. Underneath the stomach there now develops the disproportionately long stretch of the small intestine. The development of this section is very simple, and consists essentially in an extremely rapid and considerable growth lengthways.

The thin wall of the allantois consists of the same two layers or membranes as the wall of the gut the gut-gland layer within and the gut-fibre layer without. This is the case also with the lowest mammals, the oviparous Monotremes and most of the Marsupials. The latter also is richly permeated with blood-vessels which bring the mother's blood to the embryo.

The inner coat of the mouth-cavity is not provided by the gut-gland layer, but by the skin-sense layer; and its muscular substratum is provided, not by the gut-fibre, but the skin-fibre, layer. It is the same with the wall of the small anus-cavity.

The epithelium of the gut that is to say, the internal soft stratum of cells that lines the cavity of the alimentary canal and all its appendages, and is immediately occupied with the processes of nutrition is formed solely from the gut-gland layer; all other tissues and organs that belong to the alimentary canal and its appendages originate from the gut-fibre layer.

The inner stratum, lining the entire cavity, consists of larger and darker cells, and is the gut-gland layer. The outer stratum consists of smaller and lighter cells, and is the gut-fibre layer. The only exception is in the cavities of the mouth and anus, because these originate from the skin.