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An example of the former species is as follows: Apa guna passang palita, Kallo tidah dangan sumbu'nia? Apa guna bermine matta, Kalla tidah dangan sunggu'nia? What signifies attempting to light a lamp, If the wick be wanting? What signifies playing with the eyes, If nothing in earnest be intended?

The following day, the same mode of departure was adopted, and after travelling all night we halted at a place called Aibankab, at the foot of Mount Guna, the highest peak in Begemder, often covered during the rainy season with frozen hail. We remained the 8th at Aibankab.

In the afternoon his Majesty told us to ascend the hill on which his tents were pitched, to see the snow-covered summit of the Guna, as from our position below we could not obtain a good view of it. A few polite messages passed between us, but we did not see him. Early on the 9th, Samuel, our balderaba, was sent for.

Thus guna is as it were surface, remove this and there can be no gunî. So that this deliverance, spoken of before, must leave a body yet in bonds. This clear knowledge is not universal wisdom, I must go on and seek a better explanation." Here the five Bhikshus had gone before.

"Thus situated before that young female lady, I was baked but joyous, and I set right in to sell her a 'Wage of Sin. "'Ma genully buys books when we buy any, but we never do, she says. "'Your ma in now? I asks, respectful, but in a way to show that her eyes and hair wasn't being wasted on no desert hermit. "'Yes, she's in, she says. 'Looks like it's guna rain.

Skanda is derived from Skanna or fallen out. Guha implies secret. The secrecy of his birth in the wilderness led to the bestowal of this name. He has many other names. Jatarupa refers to the incident of its having assumed an excellent form after its birth from Agni. The commentator explains, Pravrittipradhanam jangamamabhut. Sa guna refers to Sattwa.

Instinctively the Captain's thoughts reverted to the incidents of the previous year when he lay in the desert sick unto death with fever and his horse, Starlight, had stood over his prostrate body and fought the wolves and vultures for a whole day and night until José returned with help from the Indian pueblo, La Guna.