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The dog was now silent, but the Comandante, as he sat in his saddle, heard a derisive laugh within the rancho. In the clear soft tones of that jeering laughter he distinguished the voice of the beautiful guera!

This young horseman was Don Juan the ranchero. He rode straight up to the opening, and seeing the guera cried out in a frank friendly voice, "Buenos dias, Rosita!" The reply was as frank and friendly a simple return of the salutation "Buenos dias, Don Juan!" "How is the Senora your mother to-day?" "Muchas gracias, Don Juan! as usual she is. Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!" "Hola!" exclaimed Don Juan.

"I don't know whether it may be news to the captain; but she has told me that it was the senorita who sent her home yesterday." "Her?" "Yes, captain, the guera." "Ha! go on!" "Why, you know when you left her with the alcalde she was offered to whoever would take her. Well, a young girl came up and claimed to be an acquaintance, and a woman who was the girl's mother.

"Now, neither this girl nor her mother ever saw the guera before, and who does captain think sent them, and the carreta too?" "Who says Vicenza?" "The senorita, captain." "Ha!" sharply exclaimed Roblado. "Vicenza is sure of that." "More than that, captain.

"Well, captain; only very shortly after she arrived at the house of the woman, a carreta came up to the door, driven by a Tagno, and the girl that is, the daughter, who is called Josefa mounted into the carreta, taking the guera along with her; and off they went down below.