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Shosshi Shmendrik did not fail to explain the deliverance to the ex-widow Finkelstein, nor Guedalyah, the greengrocer, omit to hold his annual revel at the head of half a hundred merry "pauper-aliens." Christian roughs bawled derisively in the street, especially when doors were opened for Elijah; but hard words break no bones, and the Ghetto was uplifted above insult.

"If I could only show you my heart, how it loves you." He capered off at a sprightly trot, his head haloed by huge volumes of smoke. Guedalyah the greengrocer bent over a bin of potatoes. Looking up suddenly he was startled to see the head fixed in the open front of the shop window. It was a narrow dark bearded face distorted with an insinuative smile.

But I have written an acrostic against Guedalyah the greengrocer, virulent as serpent's gall. He the Redeemer, indeed, with his diseased potatoes and his flat ginger-beer! Not thus did the great prophets and teachers in Israel figure the Return. Let a great signal-fire be lit in Israel and lo! the beacons will leap up on every mountain and tongue of flame shall call to tongue.

There is Reb Shemuel's daughter a fine beautiful virgin. I kiss her hand and it is ice to my lips. Ah, if I only had money! And money I should have, if these English Jews were not so stupid and if they elected me Chief Rabbi. Then I would marry one, two, three maidens." "Talk not such foolishness," said Guedalyah, laughing, for he thought the poet jested.

But what you have just told me has gladdened my heart. I always had an affection for you, but now I love you like a woman. We will found this Holy Land League, you and I. You shall be President I waive all claims in your favor and I will be Treasurer. Hey?" "We shall see; we shall see," said Guedalyah the greengrocer. "No, we cannot leave it to the mob, we must settle it beforehand.

It's not worth twopence." "Well, bring it out at a penny at once then," laughed little Sampson, reinforced by the arrival of his editor. Guedalyah the greengrocer glowered at him. "I am very sorry, gentlemen, I have not been able to satisfy you," said Raphael. "But in a first number one can't do much." "Can't they?" said De Haan.

Palestine, Jerusalem, Jordan, the Holy Land were magic syllables to them, the sight of a coin struck in one of Baron Edmund's colonies filled their eyes with tears; in death they craved no higher boon than a handful of Palestine earth sprinkled over their graves. But Guedalyah the greengrocer was not the man to encourage idle hopes. He explained his scheme lucidly without highfalutin.

"Truly we wish that," said the greengrocer cautiously. "But to-night it is only a question of a dozen men founding a collecting society." "Of course, of course, that I understand. You're right people about here say Guedalyah the greengrocer is always right. I will come beforehand to supper with you to talk it over, and you shall see what I will write for the Mizpeh and the Arbeiter-freund.

Hillel said more wisely: 'If I help not myself who will help me? Do they expect the Messiah to fall from heaven? Who knows but I am the Messiah? Was I not born on the ninth of Ab?" "Hush, hush!" said Guedalyah, the greengrocer. "Let us be practical. We are not yet ready for Marseillaises or Messiahs. The first step is to get funds enough to send one family to Palestine."

"Well, didn't you say we must make a holiday to-day?" he whispered back. "Oh, these English Jews!" said Melchitsedek Pinchas, in German. "What have they done to you now?" said Guedalyah, the greengrocer, in Yiddish. The two languages are relatives and often speak as they pass by.