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REFERENCES. Winckelmann's History of Ancient Art; Muller's Remains of Ancient Art; A. J. Guattani, Antiq. de la Grande Grece; Mazois, Antiq. de Pomp.; Sir W. Gill, Pompeiana; Donaldson's Antiquities of Athens; Vitruvius, Stuart, Chandler, Clarke, Dodwell, Cleghorn, De Quincey. These are some of the innumerable authorities on Architecture among the ancients.

Winckelmann's History of Ancient Art; Müller's Ancient Art and its Remains; A.J. Guattani, Antiquités de la Grande Grèce; Mazois, Antiquités de Pompeii; Sir W. Gill, Pompeiana; Donaldson's Antiquities of Athens; Vitruvius, Stuart, Chandler, Clarke, Dodwell, Cleghorn, De Quincey, Fergusson, Schliemann, these are some of the innumerable authorities on Architecture among the ancients.

Suetonius transmits the history of a young man, a son of the Emperor Claudius, who, in sport, threw a small pear into the air and caught it in his mouth, and, as a consequence, was suffocated. Guattani cites a similar instance of a man who threw up a chestnut, which, on being received in the mouth, lodged in the air-passages; the man died on the nineteenth day.

Guattani mentions a curious instance in which a man playing with a chestnut threw it in the air, catching it in his mouth. The chestnut became lodged in the throat and caused death on the nineteenth day. At the autopsy it was found that an abscess communicating with the trachea had been formed in the pharynx and esophagus.