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I'd like to know what become of him. Some says he was killed, others allow that he got away. I've heerd tell that he was originally some kind of Methodist preacher! a kind o' saint that got a sort o' spiritooal holt on the old squaws and children." "Why don't you ask old Skeesicks? I see he's back here ag'in and grubbin' along at a dollar a day on tailin's. He's been somewhere up north, they say."

There's somethin' in the air and water down in Kentucky and Tennessee that brings it on a man. You'll see a plain farmer man, jest like them around your home, and he'll be all right, goin' about his place plowin' and grubbin' sprouts and tendin' to his stock, and tellin' you all the time how much he loves the Union and how he and his folks always bin for the Union.

"I think this climate agrees with 'im." "Oh, he's well enough," responded Mrs. Starkweather dejectedly, "if he didn't make 'imself so much extry work. Grubbin' out that vineyard, now! I can't fer the life o' me see" "Maw!" called Idy warningly, opening the battened door with a jerk "you maw! look out, now!" Mrs.

"Baxter ain't fittin', I tell ye, Abram Marrows," he exploded. "He ain't fittin' and never will be. Baxter don't know most nothin'. Set him to grubbin' clams, Abram, but don't let him fool 'round the Ledge. He'll git the sloop ashore, I tell ye, or drop a stone and hurt somebody.

"Miss Starkweather," said the young fellow steadily, "I certainly did sell this place to your father, and if I told him anything about the vineyard I most certainly told him they were raisin-grapes; and upon my soul I thought they were. Aren't they?" "No," sobbed Idy, "they ain't; they're wine-grapes! He was grubbin' 'em out to-day. That's what hurt 'im I'm afraid he'll die!"

Of course an out-an'-out dude is a turrible nuisance, and dang'rous, but you got to charge enough to cover the damage he does tryin' to be wild and woolly." He went on confidentially: "Between you and me, I've worked out a scale of prices for allowin' 'em to help me so much for diggin' post holes and stretchin' wire, so much for shinglin' a roof or grubbin' sagebrush.

Nevertheless, the wit of his inamorata rankled, and after dinner he went with Eben to the barn to "hitch up." "Idy wants to go over to Elsmore this afternoon," said Eben, "an' I promised to go 'long; but I'd ought to stay with the grubbin'. If you was calc'latin' to lay off anyhow, mebbe you wouldn't mind the ride.

"Didn't I say Baxter warn't fittin', and that he ought ter be grubbin' clams? Go and dig a hole some'er's and cover him up head and ears, and dig it quick, too, and I'll lend ye a shovel." "Well, but, Captain Joe," protested Marrows. "Don't you 'well' me. Well, nothin'. You're bad as him.

He had a couple of quiet games goin', and they was one fellow among that lot of grubbin' prairie dogs that had heerd tell that cows had horns. He was the wisest of the bunch on the cattle business. So I stowed away my consolation, and made out to forget comparing Colorado with God's country. About three times a week this Irishman I told you of name O'Toole comes bulgin' in.

"How many fellers d'ye reckon started grubbin' up here, after we quit?" demanded Bandy-legs, who was working the paddle fairly well, though at times he made a bad stroke, and seemed to learn slowly that it could all be done without the splash and noise he insisted on making. "Dozens of 'em," replied Owen; "but they didn't find much, and it soon petered out.