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I don't mean that YOUR wanting to go home is anything gregarious, but I do think THEIR insisting on your coming back at once might be. And I know you won't visit this stuff on me as anything more than just my "scum," as Grisel calls the fine flower of my maiden meditations.

Were you clad like patient Grisel I should be content. Besides you have no end of pretty gowns. And you are to be dressed for travelling, remember; for I am going to carry you off to Lodore directly we are married, and you will have to clamber up the rocky bed of the waterfall to see the sun set behind the Borrowdale hills in your wedding gown.

I know the woman quite well; we can talk there just the day out. They sat at a little table in the garden of 'The Cherry Trees, its thick green apple branches burdened with ripened fruit. And Grisel tried to persuade him to eat and drink, 'for to-morrow we die, she said, her hands trembling, her face as it were veiled with a faint mysterious light.

It had better be one of those neat little tailor gowns which become you so well. 'I will wear whatever you tell me, answered Mary. 'I shall always dress to please you, and not the outside world. 'Will you, my Griselda. Some day you shall be dressed as Grisel was "In a cloth of gold that brighte shone, With a coroune of many a riche stone."

She stooped, and laid her hand on the cold moss-grown surface of the stone. 'Even now it's wet with dew. She rose again and looked strangely into his face. 'Yes, yes, here it is, she said, 'oh, and worse, worse than any fear. But nothing now can trouble you again of that. We're both at least past that. 'Grisel, he said, 'forgive me, but I can't I can't go on.

There was perhaps a lack of strength of resolute will; she had not the robust temper of my high-spirited Annora, but, on the other hand, she was not a mere blindly patient Grisel, like my poor sister-in-law, Cecily d'Aubepine, but could think and resolve for herself, and hold staunchly to her duty when she saw it, whatever it might cost her; nor did terror make her hide anything, and thus she had won old Hunker's trust, and he had even permitted her to attend the service of exiled English ministers at the Hague.

But at that moment his sister appeared in the doorway to say that supper was ready. And it was not until Herbert was actually engaged in carving a cold chicken that he followed up his advantage. 'Mr. Lawford, Grisel, he said, 'has just enriched our jaded language with a new verb to Sabathier.

They walked on slowly through the fading woods, and when they had reached the top of the hill that sloped down to the dark and foamless Widder they sat down in the honey-scented sunshine on a knoll of heather and bracken, and Grisel lighted the little spirit-kettle she had brought with her, and busied herself very methodically over making tea.

How sweet were the hours when I could lay aside all thought of freewill and of predestination, to lie with my heels in the air among the scented clover, and listen to old Chaucer telling the sweet story of Grisel the patient, or to weep for the chaste Desdemona, and mourn over the untimely end of her gallant spouse.

She rose and stood with her hand pressed over her mouth, watching him. 'Won't you understand? he continued. 'I am an outcast a felon caught red-handed, come in the flesh to a hideous and righteous judgment. I hear myself saying all these things; and yet, Grisel, I do, I do love you with all the dull best I ever had. Not now, then; I don't ask new even. I can, I would begin again.