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I'm not fit for it at my age. You must see that yourself, and you must make Grimstone see it too!" "Never!" said Mr. Blinkhorn firmly. "Nor do I see how that would help you. I will not let you go back in this deplorable way. You must nerve yourself to go on now in the path you have chosen; you must force your schoolfellows to love and respect you in your new character. Come, take courage!

Before the party set forth on their daring expedition, the two Englishmen were tightly bound with cords, and led, each by two soldiers, instructed to put them to instant death if their conduct should give cause for suspicion. But both Grimstone and Redhead preserved a cheerful countenance, and inspired a strong confidence in their honest intention to betray their countrymen.

Grimstone, of Crichton House. I want you to assist me in a very unpleasant affair the fact is, one of my pupils has had the folly and wickedness to run away." "You don't say so!" said the station-master. "It's only too true, I'm sorry to say; he seemed happy and contented enough, too; it's a black ungrateful business. But I must catch him, you know; he must be about here somewhere, I feel sure.

I have much pleasure in handing him over now to the proper authorities." And, letting Dick go, he advanced towards his brother-in-law, still with the same odd expression of having a secret understanding with him, which made Paul's blood boil. "Stand where you are, sir," said Paul to his son. "No, Dr. Grimstone, allow me leave him to me for the present, please."

He then selected a band of one hundred musketeers, partly Spaniards, partly Walloons to be followed at a distance by a much, more considerable force; two thousand in number, under Sancho de Leyva: and the Marquis of Renti and appointed the following night for an enterprise against the city, under the guidance of Grimstone.

Grimstone, don't you feel well?" "I see what you're aiming at, sir. You wish to prove to me that I'm making a mistake in my treatment of you." "That was my idea, certainly," said Paul, much pleased. "I'm very glad you take me, Doctor." "I shall take you in a way you won't appreciate soon, if this goes on," said the Doctor under his breath. "When the time comes I shall know how to deal with you.

Bultitude was paired with Tom Grimstone, who, after eyeing him askance for some time, could control his curiosity no longer. "I say, Dick," he began, "what's the matter with you this term?" "My name is not Dick," said Paul stiffly. "Oh, if you're so particular then," said Tom: "but, without humbug, what is the matter?" "You see a change then," said Paul, "you do see a difference, eh?"

As I have told, it was my father's wish that I should be a physician, and since I came back from my schooling at Norwich, that was when I had entered on my sixteenth year, I had studied medicine under the doctor who practised his art in the neighbourhood of Bungay. He was a very learned man and an honest, Grimstone by name, and as I had some liking for the business I made good progress under him.

I've been used to it, and so, of course, I miss it. If I chose to insist on it Grimstone couldn't say anything; but with a lot of young fellows like you, you see, it wouldn't look well!" It could hardly have looked worse than little Mr.

The Doctor took his seat alone at a cross table forming the top of one of the two rows of tables, set with white cups and saucers, and plates well heaped with the square pieces of bread and butter, while Mrs. Grimstone with Dulcie and Tom, sat at the foot of the same row, behind two ugly urns of dull block-tin. But when Mr.