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But I'll tell you all about it another time, if you'll let me. What I want to tell you noo's this.�-Ilka nicht, as sure as I lay doon i' the snaw to sleep, I dreamed I was at hame. A' the auld stories cam' back. I woke ance, thinkin' I was carryin' you throu' the water i' the lobby o' the schuil, and that ye was greitin' upo' my face. And whan I woke, my face was weet.

But the master caught him in his arms and carried him to his old seat beside his brother. "Thank ye, sir," said the boy with another gleamy smile, through which his thin features and pale, prominent eyes told yet more plainly of sad suffering all the master's fault, as the master knew. "Leuk at the dominie," said Curly to Alec. "He's greitin'."

I wuss wi' a' my hert I hadna latten ye til 'im! Ye hae ruined a'! 'Ye never loot me gang, Phemy! It was my business to gang. 'I see what's intil't! cried Phemy, bursting into tears. 'Ye tellt him hoo little ye thoucht o' me, and that gart him change his min'! 'Wud he be worth greitin about gien that war the case, Phemy? But ye ken it wasna that!

Ay, he tellt her aboot me, an' hoo I had gane and droont mysel'. I could hear 'maist ilka word 'at he said; for ye see the flurin' here 's no verra soon', and I was jist 'at I cudna help hearkenin'. My lord's aff the nicht, as I tell ye. It's a queer gait, but a quaiet, he thinks, nae doobt. Gin onybody wad but tell her hoo mony een the baron's made sair wi' greitin'!

There's been a fowth o' sheep-care pitten intil 'im. Ye see him 'at made 'im, bein' a shepherd himsel', kens what's wantit o' the dog." None but her husband understood what lay behind the words. "Oscar's no wi' im," said Donal. "The dog cam to me i' the byre, lang efter Gibbie was awa', greitin' like, an' luikin' for 'im." Robert gave a great sigh, but said nothing.

As he spoke the moon came peering up, and, turning to Agnes to share the sight with her, he saw the yellow light reflected from tears. "Aggie! Aggie!" he said, in much concern, "what are ye greitin' for?" She made no answer, but wiped away her tears, and tried to smile. After a little pause, "Ony body wad think, Cosmo," she said, "'at gien I believed in a God, he maun be a sma' ane!

Cosmo recognized with a shudder his favourite spot, where on his birthday, as on many a day before, he had fallen asleep. But the old woman went on with her story. "Deid was the auld captain as deid as ever was man 'at had nane left to greit for him. But thof there was nae greitin', no but sic a hullabaloo as rase upo' the discovery!

"Ye may say I was a muckle gowk. And ye may lauch at a bairn for greitin' efter the mune; but I doot that same avarice o' the wee man comes frae a something in him that he wad be ill aff wi'oot. Better greit for the mune than no be cawpable o' greetin' for the mune. And weel I wat, I grat for the mune, or a' was dune, and didna get it, ony mair than the lave o' my greedy wee brithers."

A white face, an' nothing but greitin' to come oot o' her. She ran frae me as gin I had been the de'il himsel'. An' the thocht o' you, sae bonnie an' straucht an' gran', cam ower me. Yielding to a masterful impulse, Robert did kneel now. As if sinner, and not mediator, he pressed the hem of her garment to his lips. 'Dinna be angry at me, Miss St. John, he pleaded, 'but be mercifu' to the lassie.

An' jist wi' the fell greitin' I cam to mysel', an' my hert was gaein' like a pump 'at wad fain pit oot a fire. Noo wasna that a queer-like dream? I'll no say, mem, but I hae curriet an' kaimbt it up a wee, to gar't tell better." Ginevra had from the first been absorbed in listening, and her brown eyes seemed to keep growing larger and larger as he went on.