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For the first years of her semi-detached life Mrs. Upton had been as gay as a very decorous young grass-widow can be. Her whole existence, until her marriage, which had dropped, or lifted, her to graver levels, had been passed among elaborate social conditions, and wherever she might go she found the protection of a recognized background.

After some feint of eating breakfast, Pete lit his pipe, called for a basket, and announced his intention of doing the marketing. "Coming for the mistress, are you, Capt'n?" "I'm a sort of a grass-widow, ma'am. What's your eggs to-day, Mistress Cowley?" "Sixteen this morning, sir, and right ones too. They were telling me you've been losing her." "Give me a shilling's worth, then.

"Coorse go ahead," said Pete, puffing clouds of smoke, and laughing. Philip wrote it. His hand was now stiff. It sprawled and splashed over the paper. "'As for myself, I'm a sort of a grass-widow, and if you keep me without a wife much longer they'll be taxing me for a bachelor." Pete put his pipe on the mantelpiece, cleared his throat repeatedly, and began to be afflicted with a cough.

His first divinity was the grass-widow of Moffat, and here Temple had been compelled to remonstrate in spite of all the lover's philandering about her freedom from her husband, who had used her ill.

Brown, and their grass-widow daughter, Flora.... Flora did but little work, except to lean familiarly and with an air of unspoken intimacy, over the tables of the men, as she slouched up with their food ... and she liked to sit outside in the back yard when there was sunshine ... in the hammock for more comfort ... shelling peas or languidly peeling potatoes.

"Our virtue is all we po' fo'ks has got if we lose that we ain't got nothin' lef'," Mrs. Banks of grass-widow fame had once said, and saying it had expressed Cottontown's opinion. Mrs. Banks was very severe when the question of woman's purity was up. She was the fastest woman at the loom in all Cottontown. She was quick, with a bright, deep-seeing eye.

None of the girls in this school here had a divorce in their families; and, if you'll believe it, they acted some of them as if it was a disgrace, even after I told them good and plain that ours was a perfectly respectable and genteel divorce. Nothing I could say made a mite of difference, with some of the girls, and then is when I first heard that perfectly horrid word, "grass-widow."

"I've not seen nor heard of him for most a year, till pop there tumbled across your paragraph in the papers. Then I surmised from the name and the missing finger and the scarred cheek, that I'd dropped right on to Mark. I wouldn't take all this trouble for any one else; no, sir, not me!" "My Lyddy does not care about being a grass-widow, gentlemen."

Occasionally he had to make long journeys to Canada, to Australia and New Zealand in the interests of his business; so that she was sometimes a grass-widow, with plenty of money to spend. Her age was about thirty-five; bright, agreeable, shrewd, downright, energetic; a little short and a little plump. Wherever she was, she was a centre of interest!

He passed into a praying and fasting trance, and my heart was nearly broken with the loneliness, for praying and fasting did not agree with me, and William seemed to recede in some mystical sense hard to define, so that I became a sort of unwilling grass-widow.