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To those who are influenced by the consideration of such obstacles as these, it may be said that, even in these times of high prices for all descriptions of labor and material if we except, perhaps, brain-work and intellectual material complete and substantial grape-houses can be erected at moderate cost, and with proper management they can be made a source of income and profit.

To see the gold and the grandeur, and the glitter of it all? never to toil or get tired? always to move in a pageant? always to live like the hawks in the paintings you talk of, with silver bells hung round you, and a hood all sewn with pearls?" "No," said Bébée, simply. "I should like to see it, just to see it, as one looks through a grating into the king's grape-houses here.

And there were the grape-houses, for which the place was famous far and near, hot, and odorous of moist soil and growing vines, among which white and purple clusters hung temptingly heavy and low.

The parts of animals become more sensible to heat after having been previously exposed to cold, as our hands glow on coming into the house after having held snow in them; this seems to happen to vegetables; for vines in grape-houses, which have been exposed to the winter's cold, will become forwarder and more vigorous than those which have been kept during the winter in the house.

And oh, Richard, I think the garden lying on the hillside there in the beautiful warm sun, with such royal flowers and fruit, is worth all the grape-houses and conservatories in the neighborhood. Your sister took us to three or four of the neighboring places a week or two ago. But I like this a hundred times the best.

When her ladyship walked through the place and looked at things, a pale resignation expressed itself in the very droop of her figure. When this one walked through the tumbled-down grape-houses, potting-sheds and conservatories, she saw where glass was broken, where benches had fallen and where roofs sagged and leaked. She inquired about the heating apparatus and asked that she might see it.