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Other girls' grandmothers don't tell everything they know. Alma Yawitz's grandmother wears lorgnettes, and you told me yourself they came from nearly the same part of the Pale as gramaw. But you don't hear them remembering it. Alma Yawitz says she's Alsace-Lorraine on both sides. People don't tell everything they know. Anyway where a girl's got herself as far as I have!"

She could have embraced, cried over him, the loneliness of years seeming to rush to a head. "Gramaw and I live here." "Harry, not really!" "Nearly two years, now." "Where?" "'Way out near Tremont Avenue." "And you, Harry, what do you do?" "I was window dresser for a gents' furnishing store up to a few weeks ago, but it it changed hands. I'm out of a job right now."

I don't say it ain't all right to kid her along, but when it comes to to keeping me out of the the biggest thing that can happen to a girl when gramaw wouldn't know the difference if you keep showing her the bank-book it ain't right. That's what it ain't. It ain't right!"

Not from smoking?" "I used to a lot, but not now." "Is your grandmother just as wrapped up in you as ever, Harry? Poor dear!" "Yes, she is. You sure look fine, Lilly. You're pretty!" "And what in the world brought you to New York and what ever became of Mr. Hazzard and " "Oh, gramaw read in the paper once that he died of that sore on his face." "And old Willie and Mr.

Nobody can say I ain't good to gramaw; Lester says it's beautiful the way I am with her, remembering always to bring the newspapers and all, but just the same, I know when right's right and wrong's wrong. If my life ain't more important than gramaw's, with hers all lived, all right. Go ahead!"

"I know it, mamma, but so have other people suffered." "She's old, Selene old." "I tell you it's the way you indulge her, mamma. I've seen her sitting here as perk as you please, and the minute you come in the room, down goes her head like like she was dying." "It's her mind, Selene that's going. That's why I feel if I could only get her back. She ain't old, gramaw ain't.

You can't be a real live angel without being dead first, and I'd rather be me." "Lilly, aren't you ashamed? You run on now, or I'll tell your mamma. Poor little Harry can't help it he's an orphan with only his old gramaw to look after him. You a great big girl with your mother and father to do for you. It's not nice to be against Harry." "Well, what was I saying so much, Mrs. Schum?

They were soft cheeks, smooth with the pollen of youth, and hands still casing them, she moved another step toward the portièred door. "Mama!" Mrs. Coblenz emerged immediately, finger up for silence, kissing her daughter on the little spray of cheek-curls. "'Shh-h-h! Gramaw just had a terrible spell."

I won't go to Lester, if I can't go right. "Baby, don't cry so for God's sake don't cry so! "I wish I was dead." "Sh-h-h you'll wake gramaw." "I do!" "O God, help me to do the right thing!" "If gramaw could understand, she'd be the first one to tell you the right thing. Anybody would." "No! No! That little bank-book and its entries are her life her life." "She don't need to know, mamma.

In the smallest possible compass, Miss Coblenz crouched now upon the floor, head down somewhere in her knees, and her curving back racked with rising sobs. "Selene but some day " "Some day nothing! A woman like gramaw can't do much more than go down-town once a year, and then you talk about taking her to Russia!