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The `sdrike' is the most formidable engine which has ever been brought indo oberation do seddle the differences bedween embloyer and embloyed; and, whilst I am willing to admid thad in certain cases id has resulded in the repression and redress of long-sdanding oppression and injusdice, id has been used with such a lack of discrimination as do have almost ruined the drade of the goundry.

Ve must avenge der murder uf our brudders in Shegaco. Deir innocent plood gries ter heffen for revensh. A t'ousan' lifes vill not der benalty bay. Der goundry must pe drench mit plood. Den vill Anarchy reign subreme ofer de gabitalist vampire! Are you retty?" The whole crowd rose in a body, banged their glasses viciously on the tables in front of them and shouted: "Ve vas!"

It's a great ting in dis goundry to be vree vrom tispep-shia," sighed poor Yucker enviously, casting a stealthy glance at the pit of his ruined stomach. I left him drumming pensively on his desk and muttering, "Es ist ein' Idee. Es ist ein' Idee." Unfortunately, that very evening an unpleasant affair took place in the hotel.

The boy took himself by the back of the trousers with his right hand and by the back of his neck with the other, then bounced himself forward, as if being thrown out of a vessel or a building. "You mean that you got fired off a ship here?" asked Jack, almost choking with laughter. "You bet me I didt!" exclaimed the other. "I hidt in a lifeboad to get me pack to Gott's goundry, an' they foundt me.

Shoo! Kick! Den I schwim! Gott un himmel! Vot a goundry!" "Where did you get aboard the ship?" asked Jack. "Hongkong." "What's your name?" "Hans Christensohnstopf " "Never mind the rest of it," laughed Jack. "I'll call you Hans. How long have you been here?" Hans ran his hands around his waist as if counting time by the number of meals he had missed. "Month," he finally said.