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"Get me some water, Fusie," said Hughie, rather weakly. "Run, Fusie, ye gomeril, ye!" In a minute Fusie was back with a capful of water. "That's better. I'm all right now," said Hughie, sitting up. "Hear him!" said Davie. "Lie ye doon there, or I'll gie ye a crack that'll mak ye glad tae keep still."

"What's the use o' a boat i' this weather?" said Curly. "Ye gomeril!" returned his father; ye never luik an inch afore the pint o' yer ain neb. Ye wadna think o' a boat afore the spring; an' haith! the summer wad be ower, an' the water frozen again, afore ye had it biggit. Luik at Alec there. He's worth ten o' you. "I ken that ilka bit as weel's ye do, father. Jist set's aff wi' 't, father."

So we went east by the beach of the sea, towards where the salt-pans were smoking, in by the Esk mouth. No doubt there was a by-ordinary bonny blink of morning sun on Arthur's Seat and the green Pentlands; and the pleasantness of the day appeared to set Alan among nettles. "I feel like a gomeril," says he, "to be leaving Scotland on a day like this.

Ye ken, Jenny, Halliday aye threeps he had a promise frae yoursell." "Halliday's a liar, and ye're naething but a gomeril to hearken till him, Cuddie. And then for this leddy's choice, lack-a-day! ye may be sure a' the gowd Mr. Morton has is on the outside o' his coat; and how can he keep Leddy Margaret and the young leddy?" "Isna there Milnwood?" said Cuddie.

Eden stared at her friend with the astonishment of a gomeril at a contortionist. The smile left her lips. "Did you see him too?" she asked. "Why, no, you little simpleton, I didn't see him; but I haven't got a husband of my own for nothing." "Do you mean that your husband deceives you?" "Deceives me? no, not a bit of it. He only thinks he does. Is that what has been the matter with you?" "Laura "

Ay!" "The damned ill-faured brute, to bite Annie Anderson!" "But there's nae stanes to be gotten i' the snaw, General," said Cadger. "Ye gomeril! Ye'll get mair stanes nor ye'll carry, I doobt, up o' the side o' the toll-road yonner. Naething like road-metal!" A confused chorus of suggestions and exclamations now arose, in the midst of which Willie Macwha, whose cognomen was Curly-pow, came up.

"Ye have no call to be frettin' that way; let him say what he likes, bad luck to him! Sure, ye won't be havin' Mr. Quinn, Roseen, will ye?" "N no," said Roseen. "Me grandfather says I'm bringin' his white hairs with sorrow to the grave." "Ah, the ould gomeril!" retorted Mike unsympathetically. "Bedad, what hairs he has isn't white at all, but red as carrots! Don't ye be listenin', Roseen, asthore.

Either they like the man, and then a' goes fine; or else they just detest him, and ye may spare your breath ye can do naething. There's just the two sets of them them that would sell their coats for ye, and them that never look the road ye're on. That's a' that there is to women; and you seem to be such a gomeril that ye canna tell the tane frae the tither."

"I don't know," said I. "There's something in the wind I dinna like. Davie's a' for ganging back. We women ought never to have come. Davie can think o' naething but me. As if I mattered a tup's head, the silly gomeril, bless him! Now there's your Maclachlan. He'd go to London if it was full o' deevils to fetch a stay-lace for Margaret, but he's a' for the homeward gait too!"

I would have gone to visit her in prison too, only I remembered in time I was papa's daughter; so I wrote her a billet instead, which I entrusted to the faithful Doig, and I hope you will admit I can be political when I please. The same faithful gomeril is to despatch this letter by the express along with those of the wiseacres, so that you may hear Tom Fool in company with Solomon.