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To Davis between wind and water, his mythology appeared to have come alive, and Tophet to be vomiting demons. But Huish was not mystified a moment. 'Divers' 'elmets, you ninny. Can't you see? he said. 'So they are, said Davis, with a gasp. 'And why? Oh, I see, it's for armour. 'Wot did I tell you? said Huish. 'Dyvid and Goliar all the w'y and back.

If they didn't find them I couldn't bear to think about it; and yet, somehow, I couldn't think about nothing else. It got darker and darker, and it was a beautiful time to give the crowd the slip; but that big husky had me by the wrist Hines and a body might as well try to give Goliar the slip. He dragged me right along, he was so excited, and I had to run to keep up.

"What's this I hear about a fight in Mid-Toronto, Tommy?" he asked. "Meaning that the news has been gently broken to you by one William Adolphus Turnpike?" "Yes." "Well, put your money on Jimmy Duggan, coal and woodyard man, defender of the rights of the common people, candidate of the People's Party, the valiant David that's going to knock the stuffing out of the false Goliar "

"Does the counsel for the defence wish to cross-examine the witness?" inquired the judge. "I believe not," said Mr. Cavendish, with a nod; and then Harry went to his seat, at the side of Jim Fenton, who hugged him so that he almost screamed. "Ye're a brick, little feller," Jim whispered. "That was a Happy David, an' a Goliar into the bargin.

Slip 'em on an' we'll kneel down an' have a word o' prayer. This 'ere ain't no common fight. It's a battle with tyranny. It's like the fight o' David an' Goliar. Here's yer ol' sling waitin' fer ye!" Solomon felt the pistols and stroked their grips with a loving hand. Side by side they knelt by the bed together for a moment of silent prayer. Others were stirring in the inn.

If they didn't find them I couldn't bear to think about it; and yet, somehow, I couldn't think about nothing else. It got darker and darker, and it was a beautiful time to give the crowd the slip; but that big husky had me by the wrist Hines and a body might as well try to give Goliar the slip. He dragged me right along, he was so excited, and I had to run to keep up.

To Davis, between wind and water, his mythology appeared to have come alive and Tophet to be vomiting demons. But Huish was not mystified a moment. "Divers' 'elmets, you ninny. Can't you see?" he said. "So they are," said Davis, with a gasp. "And why? O, I see, it's for armour." "Wot did I tell you?" said Huish. "Dyvid and Goliar all the w'y and back."

"I dunno, honey," answered Mammy; "I hyear 'em say hit wuz 'long o' some fightin' or nuther wat de white folks fit one time; but whedder dat wuz de time wat Brer David fit Goliar or not, I dunno; I ain't hyeard 'em say 'bout dat: it mout er ben dat time, an' den ergin it mout er ben de time wat Brer Samson kilt up de folks wid de jawbone.

'E's a rifle in his 'and, 'e's on the look-out, 'e wasn't born yesterday. This is Dyvid and Goliar, I tell you! If I'd ast you to walk up and face the music I could understand. But I don't. I on'y ast you to stand by and spifflicate the niggers. It'll all come in quite natural; you'll see, else! Fust thing, you know, you'll see him running round and owling like a good un... 'Don't! said Davis.

"I agree to that also," was the answer of young Clarke. When they were leaving, Solomon said to Preston: "That 'ere Gin'ral is as big as Goliar." Solomon, Jack and their friend left London that afternoon in the saddle and took lodgings at The Rose and Garter, less than a mile from the scene appointed for the encounter.