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If only to oust this 'Ophelia, he must be at the theatre instanter. 'Has Goldwater given you a contract? 'I am a poet, not a lawyer, said Pinchas proudly. 'Parchments are for Philistines; honest men build on the word. 'After all, it comes to the same thing with Goldwater, said Radsikoff drily.

They succeeded in getting a bill through the Lower House by a vote of two to one but by the deciding vote of Morris Goldwater of Prescott, president of the Council or Upper House, it was sent to a committee and prevented from coming to a vote. The hand of the "boss" of the saloon-keepers was clearly recognized in the game that was played. Undaunted Mrs.

'Don't be alarmed I'll coach her. She's just the age for the part. Mrs. Goldwater might be her mother. 'But can she make the audience cry? 'You bet; a regular onion of an Ophelia. 'But I must see her rehearse, then I can decide. 'Of course. 'And you will seek me in the café when rehearsals begin? 'That goes without saying. The poet looked cunning. 'But don't you say without going.

What! here was that ape of a Goldwater positively wallowing in admiration, while he, the mighty poet, had been cast into outer darkness and his work mocked and crucified! He put forth all his might, like Samson amid the Philistines, and leaving his coat-collar in Kloot's hand, he plunged into the circle of light. Goldwater's amazed face turned to meet him.

I have always said, "The only genius on the Yiddish stage is Goldwater." Klostermann bah! He produces not so badly, but act? My grandmother's hen has a better stage presence. And there is Davidoff a voice like a frog and a walk like a spider. And these charlatans I only heard of when I came to New York. But you, Goldwater your fame has blown across the Atlantic, over the Carpathians.

We return your play. This time it was the poet that was disconcerted. 'No, no, Goldwater I must not disappoint my printer. I have promised him the twenty dollars to print my Hebrew "Selections from Nietzsche." 'You take your manuscript and give me my money, said Goldwater implacably. 'Exchange would be a robbery. I will not rob you. Keep your bargain.

He had sat still in his corner, this most prolific of Ghetto dramatists, his big, furrowed forehead supported on his fist, a huge, odorous cigar in his mouth. 'I suppose Goldwater plays "Hamlet," he said. 'We have not discussed it yet, said Pinchas airily. Radsikoff smiled again. 'Oh, he'll pull through so long as Mrs. Goldwater doesn't play "Ophelia."

Any scribbler can translate Shakespeare. 'Perhaps, but who can surpass Shakespeare? Who can make him intelligible to the modern soul? 'Mr. Goldwater, cried the call-boy, with the patness of a reply. The irate manager bustled out, not sorry to escape with his dignity and so cheap a masterpiece. Kloot was left, with swinging legs, dominating the situation.

The dogs! The liars! The first night was almost at hand, and no sign had been vouchsafed to him. He had been true to his promise; he had kept away from the theatre. But Goldwater! But Kloot! Ah, the godless gambler with his parents' lives! With such ghouls hovering around the Hebrew 'Hamlet, who could say how the masterpiece had been mangled?

Orchestral music vibrated through the lobby and almost killed his pleasure in the placards of the Yiddish 'Hamlet. He gave but a moment to absorbing the great capital letters of his name; a dash at a swinging-door, and he faced a glowing, crowded stage at the end of a gloomy hall. Goldwater, limelit, occupied the centre of the boards.