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Betty, flourishing a branch at the frightened flock, yelled: "We are wild, wild women, old sheep. You had better get out while the going's good. We eat little fellers like you alive!" and with a whoop of wild spirits she danced down to the edge of the wood waving her stick wildly about her head.

Going's quicker than a letter, and I'll leave word down-stairs where I'm gone, so she'll know when she comes in, and I'll fix her coffee so she can get it." Hurrying into her own room, she began changing her dress, putting on her shoes, taking her night cloak and big, flare bonnet from the hook behind the door, talking to herself as she moved.

Betty, flourishing a branch at the frightened flock, yelled: "We are wild, wild women, old sheep. You had better get out while the going's good. We eat little fellers like you alive!" and with a whoop of wild spirits she danced down to the edge of the wood waving her stick wildly about her head.

"I had a friend out there Joe Kelsannie, of Albuquerque. Remember him, Sylvette?" "Do I!" "I'm going out there myself some day if the going's good, and get me a cowboy west of Newark." Mr. Loeb leaned forward, smiling into her quick-fire eyes. "I'll take you!" "Stick her on your watch-fob, Herman." "No, sirree, I'll take her life size." "Watch out, Hermie; remember the upside-down postage stamp!"

"You let me take care of my own affairs. If it comes right down to it, there's a few things I could tell you, girl, that ain't so easy to listen to. Let's get off the subject while the going's good." "Oh, anybody that plays as safe as you " He raised his voice, shoving back his chair. "Well, if you want me to clear out of this place quicker than you can bat your eye, you just " "No, no, Kess!

You're a gambler and a blackmailer and a panderer to old women, and I've got some evidence that would drag you into court however it turned out, so's you'd find this town a live gridiron. So, git, while you can. Go while the going's good." Doremus, too shaken to reply, slunk off, and Spaulding after a glance upward, left as silently. Aileen had shrieked and fled.

"O God!" she cried in immediate hysteria. "O God! O God!" and fell to her knees in a frenzy of clearing-up. A raw-boned Minerva, a waitress with whom she had had no previous word, sprang to her succor, a big, red hand of mercy jerking her up from the debris. "Clear out! He's across the bar. Beat it while the going's good.

Way I figger it, you folks are just patriotic enough so that you ain't going to stand for any guy sneering and knocking his own town, no matter how much of a smart Aleck he is and just on the side I want to add that this Farmers' Nonpartisan League and the whole bunch of socialists are right in the same category, or, as the fellow says, in the same scategory, meaning This Way Out, Exit, Beat It While the Going's Good, This Means You, for all knockers of prosperity and the rights of property!

It said: "Hey, you, Orry! You're crippled! I can see that. But why don't you come up higher? Get a move on!" Erwin knew that voice. It was like a trumpet call to the lad. Fiercely be seized his own megaphone and shouted back, while with one hand and his feet he kept his own flier still going. "Yes? I'm crippled but all right. I can't rise except slowly. Better go while the going's good!

"I saw it again last night in a different place. The last horse died yesterday down the canyon. You can have the outfit. I'm going to beat it out of here while the going's good. Fred." "That's mighty damn funny," Casey muttered thickly. "You can ask " He lay back luxuriously, with his head on the white pillow and closed his eyes.