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Westburnflat, thus pressed, after calling out, "Godsake, Hobbie, hear me a gliff!" fairly turned his back and fled.

"Hout, deills i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans Godsake, woman, let me away there's saxpence t'ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories." The farmer laughed and promised, and the Gipsy retreated. "Will you take her advice?" said Brown, who had been an attentive listener to this conversation. "That will I no the randy quean!

Even now, perhaps, she is dressing to be my wife, or weeping in the arms of her bridesmaid. The thought will drive me mad. For Godsake, Cameron, get under way, and land me again either at Greenock or where you first took me up, or I am utterly undone. Do this, and I will forget all I have suffered and am suffering."

I said; "what is impossible? Could I not go on as a servant with the first caravan, or buy up a whole caravan if I liked? What is impossible? For Godsake don't try any more to frighten my men, for you have nearly killed me already in doing so." "In the Jungles, near M'yonga's, 16th Sept. 1861.

Some one on board of the privateer now hailed, "We have surrendered; cease firing, sir." But devil a bit we continued blazing away a lantern was run up to his main gaff, and then lowered again. "We have struck, sir," shouted another voice, "don't murder us don't fire, sir, for Godsake." But fire we still did; no sailor has the least compunction at even running down a privateer.

Godsake, woman, let me away; there's saxpence t' ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories. 'Thanks to ye, gudeman; and now ye hae answered a' my questions, and never speired wherefore I asked them, I'll gie you a bit canny advice, and ye maunna speir what for neither. Tib Mumps will be out wi' the stirrup-dram in a gliffing.

I disengaged myself from his grasp, and dashed him violently from me. The noise brought Marietta upon deck, who immediately perceived the cause of the affray, and cried, "Does the wretch mean to make his escape? For Godsake, prevent the possibility of that!"

Presently, after she was tremblingly embarked on her story, "And what made ye do this, ye auld runt?" the Court interposed. "Do ye mean to tell me ye was the panel's mistress?" "If you please, ma loard," whined the female. "Godsake! ye made a bonny couple," observed his lordship; and there was something so formidable and ferocious in his scorn that not even the galleries thought to laugh.

Presently, after she was tremblingly embarked on her story, "And what made ye do this, ye auld runt?" the Court interposed. "Do ye mean to tell me ye was the panel's mistress?" "If you please, ma loard," whined the female. "Godsake! ye made a bonny couple," observed his lordship; and there was something so formidable and ferocious in his scorn that not even the galleries thought to laugh.

"He is not dead yet, sir," answered Tunstall. "Carry him into the apothecary's, then," replied his master. "D'ye think I can set a man's life in motion again, as if he were a clock or a timepiece?" "For godsake, old friend," said his acquaintance, "let us have him here at the nearest he seems only in a swoon." "A swoon?" said Ramsay, "and what business had he to swoon in the streets?