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She was a large, coarse-looking woman, and was lying, in what appeared to Gorham to be drunken slumber, on her bonnet, the draggled strings of which caught his eye. He hesitated a moment, and then shook her by the arm. She groaned boozily, but after he had shaken her again two or three times she rolled over and raised herself on her elbow, rubbing her eyes and staring at him glassily.

Her dyed hair was disarranged, and her dark eyes stared glassily before her; but even in this half-drugged state she bore herself with the lithe carriage of a dancer, swinging her hips lazily and pointing the toes of her high-heeled slippers. "Awake, my wife," crooned Sin Sin Wa. "Only a fool seeks the black smoke when the jackals sit in a ring." Mrs.

The eyes were open and stared glassily at his feet, which were twined with tresses of golden hair, streaked with grey, which came through the broken hearth-stone. The Gipsy Prophecy 'I really think, said the Doctor, 'that, at any rate, one of us should go and try whether or not the thing is an imposture. 'Good! said Considine. 'After dinner we will take our cigars and stroll over to the camp.

Holding him helpless, bent backwards across his broad chest, Fyfe slowly and systematically choked him; he shut off his breath until Monohan's tongue protruded, and his eyes bulged glassily, and horrible, gurgling noises issued from his gaping mouth. "Jack, Jack!" Stella found voice to shriek. "You're killing him." Fyfe lifted his eyes to hers. The horror he saw there may have stirred him.

To sum him up, he was a most unspeakable little cad, and, if the drawing-room had not been Mrs Drassilis's, I should have wondered at finding him in it. Mrs Drassilis introduced us. 'I think we have already met, I said. He stared glassily. 'Don't remember. I was not surprised. At this moment Cynthia came in.

As the Mexican took it awkwardly with his left hand, still watching Rennie glassily over the brim, the latter used fluent Spanish, only a word or two of which Drew understood. The man grunted and then was assailed by Chino in a hotter flow of his native tongue, until Rennie silenced the vaquero’s outburst with a wave of hand and spoke again.

Then he will understand that state of mind and body which makes men loathe beauty, loathe goodness, loathe life; then he will understand what jolly fellows endure. We glowered glassily on each other, and we were quite ready either to quarrel or to shed tears on the faintest provocation. Presently Bob laughed in a forced way, and said, "God, what a head! Let's come out.

"Vous êtes Paul Loup, n'est-ce pas, monsieur?" she said in a clear voice, gazing up at him fearlessly. While the girls gasped at her temerity a most astounding thing happened. The man dropped the frying pan and it clattered to the floor, its contents spilling out greasily. While they looked he seemed to crumple, shrivel, and his eyes stared at them glassily out of his white mask of a face.

He stumbled away; Respectability and he, together, interfering alarmingly with the comfort of Mr. Flitcroft, who had stopped in the middle of the pavement to stare glassily at Ariel. Eugene accompanied the latter into the house, and Joe, looking back, understood: Mamie had sent his step-brother to bring Ariel in and to keep him from following. "This afternoon!"

'Doing well. 'Have you seen the surgeons? 'Mrs. Warwick. 'What did she say? 'A nod of the head. 'You saw her? 'She came to the stairs. 'Diana Warwick never lies. She wouldn't lie, not with a nod! They've saved Emmy do you think? 'It looks well. My girl has passed the worst of it? 'That's over. Sir Lukin gazed glassily.