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Now this also they yea-said gladly; forsooth they had scarce been fain of leaving the women behind, at least the younger ones, even had they been safe at the Tofts; for there is no time when a man would gladlier have a fair woman in his arms than when battle and life-peril are toward.

How forget the thrill Through and through me as I thought "The gladlier Lives my friend because I love him still?" And the friend will value love all the more which persists through the obstacles of partial ignorance. The blank verse monologue A Forgiveness, Browning's "Spanish Tragedy," is a romance of passion, subtle in its psychology, tragic in its action.

They were served thereat right gloriously, and Perceval looked about him more gladlier than he ate. And while he was thus looking, he seeth a chain of gold come down above him loaded with precious stones, and in the midst thereof was a crown of gold. The chain descended a great length and held on to nought save to the will of Our Lord only.

That she chose Siegfried to her husband did her honour." She begged the king for it so long that he said, "Certes! no guests would I gladlier welcome, and willingly I grant it thee. I will bid them hither by my envoys." The queen answered then, "Send not thither without my knowledge, and inform me, without fail, when my dear friends shall come.

They expect the world to be regenerated, not by becoming more a Church none would gladlier help them in bringing that about than the Chartists themselves, paradoxical as it may seem but by being dosed somewhat more with a certain "Church system," circumstance, or "dodge."

Free birds live higher than freemen, And gladlier ye than we." From this high place in our thoughts, from this realm of poetry and mystery, to come down almost to the tameness of the barnyard fowl is a marvelous transformation, and one is tempted to believe the solemn announcement of the Salt Lake prophet, that the Lord sent them to his chosen people.

A man may be a heretic in the truth; and if he believe things only because his pastor says so, or the Assembly so determines, without knowing other reason, though his belief be true, yet the very truth he holds becomes his heresy. There is not any burden that some would gladlier post off to another than the charge and care of their religion.

"By my faith," saith Gawain, "The knight is more sorrowful than he, for nought is there in the world he would gladlier see than him." The knight espieth Messire Gawain's shield and saith, "Ha, Sir, methinketh you are he." "Certes," saith Messire Gawain, "you say true.

It is the richest bit of sheer humour that I have yet found in Milton, and is better and deeper, in that kind, than anything in Sydney Smith: "There is not any burden that some would gladlier post off to another than the charge and care of their Religion.