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You'll only put me to the throuble of men din' them for you." "Mend my manners!" exclaimed his opponent, with a bitter sneer, "you to mend them! out wid your budget and your hammer, then; you're the very tinker of good manners bekase for one dacency you'd mend, you'd spoil twenty." "I'm able to hammer you at all events, or, for that matther, any one of your illiterate gineration.

So I'se gwine ter move on ebbery time dey axes me tu; kase why, I can't help it. Berry'll git enough ter eat most ennywhar, an' dat's 'bout all he 'spects in dis worl'. It's a leetle better dan de ole slave times, an' ef it keeps on a-growin' better 'n better, gineration atter gineration, p'raps some of Berry's kinfolks'll git ter hev a white man's chance some time."

They married through and through till the whole gineration nigh run out; though what helped was that they'd fly mad sometimes and kill one another like fools. They had great big heads and mottly faces ears as big as sheepskins.

No not for a whole gineration of ye, Joel; and every one o' them, too, a much likelier man than ye bees yerself." "Religion is no respecter of persons" returned the philosophical Joel. "Them that likes masters and mistresses may have them, for all me; but it riles me to meet with meanness." "It does!" cried Mike, looking up at his companion, with a very startling expression of wonder.

He'd shave ye, cut ye'er hair, dye ye'er mustache, give ye a dhry shampoo an' cure ye iv appindicitis while ye were havin' ye'er shoes shined be th' naygur. Ivry gineration iv doctors has had their favrite remedies.

Ain't it surprisin' how them devil's tricks gets handed down from gineration to gineration, while so much that's good is forgot," lamented Mrs. Meeker, but the doctor looked much amused. "She's a bright child," he said, "and not over strong. I don't believe in keeping young folks shut up in the schoolhouses all summer long." Mrs. Meeker sniffed disapprovingly. "She's tougher than ellum roots.

Ephraim Yeates looked me up and down with a sniff for my foreign-cut coat, another for my queue, and a third for the German ritter-boots I wore. "Umph!" said he. "Now if here ain't that there dad-blame' Turkey-fighter again! What almighty cur'is things the good Lord do let loose on a stiff-necked and rebellious gineration!"

Alderman Dooley, approaching the major, with his right hand extended, "understand that it's we that are the riprisintitives of this mitropilas, in which ye're as wilcome as the flowers of May. Mind that now! And may the smiles of heaven rest upon ye, an' upon the gineration ye bilongs to. Gifts, meiger, are given to the great for a pirpose. Faith, it's my own exparience tells me that! Whisht now!

I'm playin' the part av a steppin'-stone betwixt the two. Afther they've larned to lift their sowls to Higgins, they'll be able to go a bit higher, say to the saints first, an' thin to the blissid Vargin, an' so on, wan step at a time, till they've got the whole av it. But it'll be mortial slow, I'm doubtin'. I may have to bear an' forbear as I am for an intire gineration av the poor crachurs."

The Government puts the land at a dollar and a quarter an acre, wid your courage and fightin' strength and quickest wits, and by and by your heart's blood and a grave wid no top cover, like a fruit tart, sometimes, let alone a tomb-stone, as the total cost av the prairie sod. It's a great story now, aven if nobody should care to read it in a gineration or so."