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Here he remained until the seventeenth of August, when it was announced that the good barque Nouvelle Amelie, Captain Gilliet, was ready for sea, and he was forthwith led to the wharf between two officers, and ordered to be transferred beyond the limits of the State, the Captain paying the following nice little bill, of costs. "Contrary to Law."

The French bark Nouvelle Amelie, Gilliet, master, from Rouen, arrived in Charleston on the twenty-ninth of July. The captain was a fine specimen of a French gentleman.

At length his patience became wearied, and as he was about to call Dunn to his assistance, the captain came up, and calling the child to him-for such he was-delivered him up, the little fellow roaring at the top of his voice as the big officer carried him over the rail under his arm. This ended the vaudeville comique on board of the French bark Nouvelle Amelie, Captain Gilliet.

Il y a de la malhomme tet‚ dans sou proces," said Captain Gilliet, turning to his mate. "Avaunt! avaunt!" said the big man with the large whiskers, and they all made a rush at Dusenberry, and drove him over the rail and back to the wharf, where he demanded the assistance of those anxious spectators, for and in the name of the State.

"French Barque Nouvelle Amelie, Captain Gilliet, from Rouen, For John Baptiste Pamerlie, Colored Seaman. 1852. To Sheriff of Charleston District. August 26th, To Arrest, $2; Registry, $2, $4.00" "Recog. 1.31; Constable, $1, 2.31" "Commitment and Discharge, 1.00" "20 days' Jail Maintenance of John Baptiste Pamerlie, at 30 cts. per day, $6.00