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"Let us have a Christmas banquet, my dear," Mr. Grapewine steadily rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Who?" said Mrs. Grapewine. "Why, Totty and his wife, and Colonel Killiam, and and Dr. Tuggle and lady, and old Mrs. Gildenfenny and and " Mr. Grapewine snored. "Who?" said Mrs. Grapewine, somewhat loudly. "And and Pill." "Who's Pill?" said she. "Why oh, I mean your poor cousin Pillet.

"I feared reason was dethroned. Thank you, major. Good-day," and Colonel Killiam strode out of the room, rigid with indignation. Old Mrs. Gildenfenny received her invitation over a breakfast-table that stood against her bedside. The note was handed in by an aged servant, who thereupon leaned over her mistress's shoulder and helped her to read it. Mrs.

Gildenfenny was an energetic old lady; but she loved, most of all things in the world, her idle hour in bed of a morning with a smoking meal of hot-cakes and coffee at her elbow. She disliked, most of all things in the world, to be robbed of this comfort, and she hated the being who committed such an offence with a vehemence which was her chief characteristic. The two old women read Mrs.

Gildenfenny's note aloud en duet, with now and then a pleased comment. Mrs. Gildenfenny said she would wear her green silk, and gave directions, as she read on, about her shoes, her hair, her linen and twenty articles of her toilet that came into her mind at mention of dining out. "Lord a-mercy!" says Mrs.

I'll go at once to his house!" and in a few moments Mrs. Gildenfenny also went out. Mr. and Mrs. Totty were served with their invitation over a breakfast-table where meekness and humility were administered with the rolls and poured out with the weak cambric tea of the little ones.

Gildenfenny, when she had read a little further; "Lord a-mercy! if I'm not decent, why does he ask me? Why don't he say, at once, 'Please wash yourself before you come; and if you can't afford soap and water, here's a ticket'? Susan, get me up! Dress me right away! I must have this explained." "But your breakfast, ma'am," says Susan. "Eat? eat? with such a thing on my mind? No!