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"You ignore your textbook assignments in philosophy. No doubt you are depending on an unlaborious 'intuition' to get you through the examinations. But unless you apply yourself in a more scholarly manner, I shall see to it that you don't pass this course." Professor D. C. Ghoshal of Serampore College was addressing me sternly.

"The Lord simply found it more convenient to make you a graduate than to rearrange the sun and moon!" Professor Ghoshal was, and is, a remarkable orator with vast philosophical knowledge. In later years we came to a cordial understanding.. "Master, my father has been anxious for me to accept an executive position with the Bengal-Nagpur Railway. But I have definitely refused it."

Ghoshal, came forward to greet me, all our past misunderstandings dissolved by the alchemist Time. A Winter Solstice Festival was celebrated at the end of December in the Serampore hermitage. As always, Sri Yukteswar's disciples gathered from far and near.

"I shall be very much disappointed if I have not succeeded in outwitting the instructor." Professor Ghoshal shook his head after I had inquired what rating he had given my paper. "You are not among those who have passed," he said in triumph. He hunted through a large pile on his desk. "Your paper isn't here at all; you have failed, in any case, through non-appearance at the examination."