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A panic was surging through me; must I be brought to book by such as he? "Mr. Gholson," I cried, all scorn without, all terror within; "Mr. Gholson, I Mr. Gholson, sir! " and set my jaws and heaved for breath. "Why, Smith, " He extended a soothing hand. "No explanation, sir, if you please! I can get away from here without tearing myself, which is more than you can boast.

Bring in your company behind mine, if you choose." Ferry drew back a few ranks but stayed with the column; Quinn had had the toil of the chase, he should have also the glory of the fight. So Ferry sent Gholson whose horsemanship won a cheer from the passing Louisianians as he cleared the roadside fence across to Quinn, bidding the Lieutenant slacken speed and count himself a reserve.

"That's all right, Harry, I withdraw the request." "Well, you needn't; I was in the wrong. Smith, will you say to Gholson " His voice dropped to a strictly private rumble. "Yes, Lieutenant, I'll do so with pleasure, and I'm sure what you say will have the proper here are the ladies." "Now give me your hand, Miss Camille; now jump!"

Of course, it isn't really necessary, but it would be more like dying for my country." He would not have it in the scabbard, and when I laid it naked in his hand he kissed the hilt. Charlotte sent Gholson for Ned Ferry.

At the door of the Major's tent I paused to learn and joy of one to whom comes reprieve when the rope is on his neck, I overheard Harry Helm, the General's nephew and aide de-camp, who had been with us, telling what a howling good joke Smith had just got off on Gholson! "We shall have to get Ned Ferry back here," the Major was saying as I entered, "to make you boys let Scott Gholson alone."

Dole, who was a new-comer, declined; Lieutenant Foster was on duty, but he did what was still better than accepting the invitation, he loaned his beautiful horse to Medard Beaubien, who with Robert Kinzie and Gholson Kercheval promised himself much fun in eclipsing the beaux and creating a sensation among the belles of Hickory Creek.

He and Gholson were half a broad field ahead of me, but I followed only at their speed, designing to hand over the sword so nearly at the moment of going into action that I might stay by its owner's side unrebuked; and my plan was not in vain.

In the vocabulary of a prig, but in the wrath of a fishwoman, I execrated Scott Gholson; his jealousies, his disclosures, his religion, his mispronunciations; and Ned Ferry that cockerel! Here was I in the barrel, and able only to squeal in irate terror at whoever looked down upon me. I could have crawled under a log and died.

All the glad difference between hope stark drowned and hope sighing back into life lightened Ferry's heart; he gripped my shoulder the sound one, by good luck, and drew me into the dining-room, where the whole company were gathered to see Gholson eat. Our entry was a fresh surprise.

Cecile brought a third light and we sallied forth into the motionless air, Estelle with a candle and Gholson, Camille with a candle and me, Cecile with a candle and Mrs. Wall, Miss Harper and the Squire, and Charlotte and Ferry. In the heart of the grove Estelle gave a soft cry, sprang, stooped, straightened, and handed me the letter.