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The German-Austrian public would not have been in agreement with such a Minister; the German Nationalists and the German bourgeoisie have no say in the matter. A few days ago a delegation from the German Executive Committee was in Berlin and was favourably received by the German Imperial Government in the matter of providing for German-Austria.

It is a very great mistake, whether conscious or unconscious, to believe and to maintain that the population of German-Austria, and especially the present leaders of Social Democracy, are devoid of any strong national feeling. I refer to the part played by the Austrian Social Democracy in the question of union.

He accepts, he says, the German-Austria 'ultimatum, and will remain in Brest-Litovsk, as he will not give us the satisfaction of being able to blame Russia for the continuance of the war. "Following on Trotski's speech, the Committee was at once formed to deal with the difficult questions of territory.

It is impossible not to feel indignant with a coalition which, after having triumphed in the name of the loftiest ideas ... treats German-Austria no better than the Holy Alliance treated the petty states of Italy.

Sylvester drew up the report and pointed out the following: "It was, however, neither necessary nor desirable to make the attempt in such a way as to create an incurable rupture between German-Austria and the German Empire that would endanger the future of our people.

A harmless Germany, unable to unite with an equally harmless German-Austria, should be under the military control of France and Belgium on the west, and of Poland on the east. Poland, separating Germany from Russia, besides imposing on Germany the territorial outrage of the Danzig corridor, cuts her off from any possibility of expansion and development in the east.

GEORGE, Lloyd, a memorandum for Peace Conference a truism of and question of military guarantees and reparations question and Russia and the Paris Conference and the proposed trial of the Kaiser denounces economic manifesto difficult position of, at Paris Conference on Poland's claim to Upper Silesia proposes Germany's admission to League of Nations Georgia, in Bolshevik hands Italy prepares a military expedition to German army reduced by peace terms delegates and the Paris Conference German-Austria, army of loses access to the sea plight of Germany, a country of surprises a war of reconquest by, impossible accepts armistice terms Allies' demands for indemnities and America's entry into the war and her indemnity and reconstruction of Russia and the political sense annual capitalization of commerce of, before the war cost of army of occupation to effect of peace treaty on effect of President Wilson's messages on financial position of her indemnity increased her pre-war colonies her responsibility for the war how she can pay indemnity imports and exports of is she able to pay indemnity asked? loses her colonies losses of, in Great War militarist party in military conditions imposed on population of, in and outside Europe pre-war army of pre-war coal supply of pre-war conditions of result of Versailles Treaty to revolutionary crisis in Sèvres Treaty and suited for democratic principles territories and States in, before the war victories of war record of Goethe Great Britain, and the indemnity and the Treaty of Versailles army of enters the war expenses of her navy financial position of general election in insularity of population of pre-war conditions of war record of why she entered the war Great War, the, author's opinion of peace terms estimated number of dead in how it was decided post-war results of question of responsibility for Greece, acquires Bulgarian territory army of financial position of her gains by Sèvres Treaty her illusion of conquering Turkish resistance her policy of greed the Entente and

We may presume that if normal conditions of life return, the population of Germany and German-Austria will be more than one hundred millions, that the population of Belgium altogether little less than fifty millions, that Italy will have a population much greater than that of France, of at least forty-five million inhabitants, and that Great Britain will have about sixty million inhabitants.

Sometimes, however, the error committed was irreparable. The fate reserved for Austria was a case in point. By some curious process of reasoning it was found to be not incompatible with the Wilsonian doctrine that German-Austria should be forbidden to throw in her lot with the German Republic, this prohibition being in the interest of France, who could not brook a powerful united Teuton state.

Inasmuch as nearly all the coalfields of the former Empire lie outside what is now German-Austria, the industrial ruin of this latter state, if she cannot obtain coal from Germany, will be complete. The case of Germany's neutral neighbors, who were formerly supplied in part from Great Britain but in large part from Germany, will be hardly less serious.