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And lately you're surely tragic enough." "I wish you'd go somewhere far off!" observed a third. "My husband is dippy about you." "Girls, do you know that you actually have not one sensible idea in your heads?" retorted Carley. "Sensible? I should hope not. Who wants to be sensible?" Geralda battered her teacup on a saucer. "Listen," she called. "I wasn't kidding Carley. I am good and sore.

By their slenderness and by simplicity of treatment they produce an effect of great height. They were inspired by the Geralda Tower of Seville. The deep-toned columns of Sienna marble used in the three Italian Portals also enrich the entrance to the towers.

"I declare, you make me see red, Carley," flashed Geralda, angrily. "No wonder Morrison roasts you to everybody. He says Glenn Kilbourne threw you down for some Western girl. If that's true it's pretty small of you to vent your spleen on us." Carley felt the gathering of a mighty resistless force, But Geralda Conners was nothing to her except the target for a thunderbolt.

"I have no spleen," she replied, with a dignity of passion. "I have only pity. I was as blind as you. If heartbreak tore the scales from my eyes, perhaps that is well for me. For I see something terribly wrong in myself, in you, in all of us, in the life of today." "You keep your pity to yourself. You need it," answered Geralda, with heat.

"See here, Carley," said Geralda, deliberately, "just because you've had life turn to bitter ashes in your mouth you've no right to poison it for us. We all find it pretty sweet. You're an unsatisfied woman and if you don't marry somebody you'll end by being a reformer or fanatic." "I'd rather end that way than rot in a shell," retorted Carley.

"Hello, Carley! Now say it to our faces," called out Geralda Conners, a fair, handsome young woman of thirty, exquisitely gowned in the latest mode, and whose brilliantly tinted complexion was not the natural one of health. "Say what, Geralda?" asked Carley. "I certainly would not say anything behind your backs that I wouldn't repeat here."

She had not been there for over six months, however, and consequently had never heard of Jessie Bain. She had been waiting long and patiently, when suddenly she had read of his marriage to Geralda Northrup, and almost immediately after came the startling intelligence of the disaster in which he had lost his bride.