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Miss Carewe had been of their company, and Tappingham and Chenoweth found each his opportunity in the afternoon. The party was small, and no one had been able to effect a total unconsciousness of the maneuvers of the two gentle-men.

When the waiter handed the wine-list to Forestier, Mme. de Marelle exclaimed: "Bring the gentle-men whatever they want; as for us, we want nothing but champagne." Forestier, who seemed not to have heard her, asked: "Do you object to my closing the window? My cough has troubled me for several days." "Not at all." His wife did not speak.

Some "priest" or "Levite," "passing by on the other side," quite self-possessed and all complacent reads in reply from his bread phylactery, Paul sent back Onesimus to Philemon! Yes, echoes the negro-hating mob, made up of "gentlemen of property and standing" together with equally gentle-men reeking from the gutter; Yes Paul sent back Onesimus to Philemon!

Some men are good and kind and gentle, gentle-men, even in their families; and every woman believes the man she is to marry is that exception. Jo, bend your ear down closer, I thought once I knew such a man, and, dear, I loved him." "My darling! but, Sarah, why" "Because, as you said, Josey, I was too old; I had seen too much; I would not give way to an impulse.

Some men pay in advance, some at the time, and some pay afterward. All men, he knew, must pay. It would be his task soon to satisfy these gentle-men, who took him at his face value, by proving to them that they had made no very great mistake.

Then Stuart yawned; said with a laugh, "Good morning, gentle-men" as was his habit when he wished to work; and the tent was soon deserted. I retired to rest, but at three in the morning felt a hand upon my shoulder. "The general is going to move, colonel, and wishes to see you," said the orderly. I rose, made my brief toilet, and went toward Stuart's tent where a light was shining.

See the only son of the late Henry South engaged in his mar-ve-lous an' heretofore undiscovered occupation of doin' fancy work. Ladies and gentle-men, after this here show is conclooded, keep your seats for the concert in the main tent. This here famous performer will favor ye with a little exhibition of plain an' fancy sock-darnin'." The children snickered again. The old woman shuffled forward.

"'Owever, if I fail, gentle-men, it'll be the fust and only trick I've failed in to-night. You can't expect everything to turn out right, but if I do fail this time, gentlemen, I'll try it agin if anybody else'll lend me another watch." Dicky Weed tried to speak but couldn't, and 'e sat there, with 'is face pale, staring at the pieces of 'is watch on the conjurer's table.

Then two gentle-men arrived in a taxicab and inquired for him. They talked for a little time, and finally Mr. Laverick went away with them." Bellamy was puzzled. "Went away with them?" he repeated. "I don't understand that, Reynolds. He was to have waited here till I returned." The man hesitated. "It didn't strike me, sir," he said, "that Mr. Laverick was very wishful to go.

"'Owever, if I fail, gentle-men, it'll be the fust and only trick I've failed in to-night. You can't expect everything to turn out right, but if I do fail this time, gentlemen, I'll try it agin if anybody else'll lend me another watch." Dicky Weed tried to speak but couldn't, and 'e sat there, with 'is face pale, staring at the pieces of 'is watch on the conjurer's table.