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"You did," Medart told him. "They committed one of the worst crimes in Imperial history, meddling with human genetics just for the fun of it but the results were so good I can't fault them totally for their arrogance." Ryan smiled, taking the seat Haley had vacated. "It's good to see you feeling well again, Prince, and able to converse. So we are Terrans, are we?"

I was brought back to two separate times, the first being my initial meeting with Onan, when I saw the muraled dome, the genetics of history, and its depiction of the events which were symbolically representative of Daem: the deformed man, the warring races, the worshipers of the White Eagle.

Through the science of genetics, as advanced by experimental studies of the monkeys and anthropoid apes, practical eugenic procedures should be more safely based and our ability to predict organic phenomena greatly increased. Similarly, intensive knowledge of the diseases of the other primates in their relations to human diseases should contribute importantly to human welfare.

We are on the eve of a tremendous revolution, which must cause a drastic revision of all works on zoology, anatomy, genetics, physiology, and evolution in general. The enormous investigations of glands and their secretions have sprung up and focused since the middle of the World War period. These investigations are rapidly resulting in a new surgery and a new practice of medicine.

This behavior, as the study of Genetics shows, may be determined in lesser organisms by experiment. Once determined, they are subject to prophecy. The problem of human heredity is now seen to be infinitely more complex than imagined by Galton and his followers, and the optimistic hope of elevating Eugenics to the level of a religion is a futile one.

Individual sensitivity to this type of overeating is dependent upon genetics and personality and who is generating the negative emotions. Self generated negative emotions are very difficult to avoid.

It will be the part of wisdom for students of genetics to imitate the hostile attitude of neither school, but to utilize the positive results of both. This is what Dr. Goddard has done in the work under review.

It is almost as though a man should discover that blindness in a certain case was due to a congenital, i.e. gametic, defect, and should then scoff at the idea that any person could become blind by disease. Some of those who specialise in the investigation of genetics seem to give inadequate consideration to other branches of biology.

There are almost no satisfactory physiological descriptions of the monkeys, anthropoid apes, or lower primates. Order Sub-orders Families , a. ANTHROPOIDEA ... + iii. When we turn to the science of genetics we meet a similar condition, for the literature reveals only scattered bits of information concerning heredity in the primates.

It is, therefore, appropriate to emphasize the strictly human value of the work for which I am seeking provision. During the past few years it has been abundantly and convincingly demonstrated that knowledge of other organisms may aid directly in the solution of many of the problems of experimental medicine, of physiology, genetics, psychology, sociology, and economics.