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"Why, gener'ly speakin'," he went on, with sudden enthusiasm, "they ain't much better'n skippin' sheep. Y' see they want to but darsent. So wal they jest set me up to sling the hot air." The girl looked appealingly at the rough faces for assistance. But instead of help she only beheld an expression of general discontent turned on the unconscious back of the spokesman.

He took the result down on paper and worked their separate values out at his own market prices. In five minutes the work was completed, and the man behind the bar looked up with a grin. "I don't gener'ly make a bad guess," he said blandly. "But I reckoned 'em a bit high this journey. Ther's four hundred an' seventy-six dollars comin' to you ha'f cash an' ha'f credit. Is it a deal?"

She'll be only too glad o' the ride, but do you think now do you reelly think it's advisable to lug a third party along when it's clear as dish-water he wants you alone by himself an' yourself? It's this way with men. If they set out to do a thing, they gener'ly do it. But believe me, if you put impederments in their way, they'll shoor do it, an' then some.

Bill shrugged. "Strangers is strangers, an' gold-dust is gold-dust," he said shrewdly. "An' when the two git together ther's gener'ly a disease sets in that guns is the best med'cine for. That's 'bout all." What a complicated machinery human nature is!

He was in no way blind to the reason of her sudden departure, but beyond his first remark he was not the man to advertise his chagrin. He could afford to wait. "You'll take a bite o' supper, Mr. Lablache?" said old Norton, in a tone of inquiry. "Supper? no, thanks, Norton. But if you've a drop of something hot I can do with that." "We've gener'ly got somethin' o' that about," replied the old man.

I don't guess any sucker paid a thousand dollars a year for my college eddication so I could come out here and grow a couple of old beeves and spend my leisure picklin' my food depot in a low down prairie saloon. Therefor' I'll ask you to excuse me if I talk in a kind o' langwidge the folks about here most gener'ly understan'. Guess you think you know some. Maybe you figger to know it all.

"Wal," retorted Arizona, bending to his work again, "I do allow ther's more savee in that tip than most gener'ly slobbers off'n your tongue. I'll kind o' turn it over some." Jacob's grin broadened. "Guess I should. Your plug ain't been saddled sence you wus sent sick. Soft soap ain't gener'ly in your line; makes me laff to see you handlin' it." "That's so," observed the other, imperturbably.

"My name's Ranks gener'ly called 'Slum. Howdy." "Well, Mr. Ranks " "Gener'ly called 'Slum," interrupted the other. "Mr. Slum, then " Tresler smiled. "Slum!" The man's emphasis was marked. There was no cheating him of his due. "Slum" was his sobriquet by the courtesy of prairie custom. "Ranks" was purely a paternal heirloom and of no consequence at all.

"You may strip to the hide or you may sleep with your boots on, and no questions asked. Gener'ly speaking, gentlemen prefer to retain a layer of artificial covering but you ain't troubled much with the bugs, are you, Bill?" He leveled this query at the frowsy, whiskered man, who had awakened and was blinking contentedly. "I'm too alkalied, I reckon," Bill responded.

But Arizona resented the interference, and rounded on him promptly. "Say, you passon feller, I ain't heerd tell as it's the ways o' your country to butt in an' boost folk on to a scrap. It's gener'ly sed you're mostly ready to do the scrappin'." "Which means?" Lew grinned in his large way. "Wal, it mostly means let's hear from you fust hand."