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Men of the 520th, remember your watchword is Gemappes, your countersign, Valmy." "The Emperor of Russia and his distinguished family quitted the Tuileries this day. His Imperial Majesty embraced his Majesty the King of the French with tears in his eyes, and conferred upon their RR. HH. the Princes of Nemours and Joinville, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Blue Eagle."

The usual heart-rending cheers accompanied the monarch, who looked younger than ever we saw him ay, as young as when he faced the Austrian cannon at Valmy and scattered their squadrons at Gemappes. "Rations of liquor, and crosses of the Legion of Honor, were distributed to all the men. "The English Princes quitted the Tuileries in twenty-three coaches-and-four.

It had been a battle-royal, and, but for her arrival with the fresh squadrons, not one among her countrymen would have lived to tell the story of this terrible duello which had been as magnificent in heroism as any Austerlitz or Gemappes, but which would pass unhonored, almost unnamed, among the futile, fruitless heroisms of Algerian warfare. "Is he killed?

Hostilities began at 9 o'clock A.M., by the Moors firing twenty-one guns before the French had taken up their position, but the fire was not returned until 2 P.M. The 'Gemappes, 100; 'Suffren, 99; 'Triton, 80; ships of the line. 'Belle Poule, 60, frigate; 'Asmodée' and 'Pluton, steamers, and some brigs, constituted the bombarding squadron.