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"That's it exactly," Gaylor exclaimed eagerly; "that's excellent!" Then his face clouded. "I think," he said in a troubled voice, "we should warn Miss Vera, that to guard himself from any trickery, Mr. Hallowell insists on subjecting her to the most severe tests. He " "That will be all right," said the girl.

He was busy, busier even than when he had been foreman of the Gaylor ranch a year ago, but Carmen could not bear to think that he would let mere reasonable things keep him away from her, just this night of all others. For exactly a year a year to-day, a year this morning, so it was already more than a year she had ceased to be a slave, and she had had everything she wanted, except one thing.

Is that the injustice of which you complain?" Judge Gaylor gave an exclamation of pleasure. "Good!" he applauded. "Excellent!" Hallowell turned indignantly to Winthrop. "And did she tell you also," he demanded, "that for three years I have urged her to make a home in this house? That I have offered her an income as large as I would give my own daughter, and that she has refused both offers.

Gaylor, if you don't mind my talking this way about, myself you sold me my land, sliced it right off your own ranch let me have it darn cheap, too, when the boss died " "I wanted to keep you as near as possible, Nick, when people began to be silly and say I oughtn't to have a young man like you on the place as foreman, with me alone, and Eld gone.

"John and I would be delighted to take her, and put her up for a week-end wouldn't we, John?" "Of course," said Falconer. "From what I saw of her, she'd be a charming guest. But poor Hilliard " "Oh, do ask him, too, and give me a chance to flirt with him, please. I've had such poor success with you, I'm feeling crushed. Do you think Mrs. Gaylor too formidable for me?"

"If I were a betting man, I'd bet on you," Falconer laughed. "But I don't know how far matters have gone between Mrs. Gaylor and Hilliard. It may be gossip; all the world loves a lover, you know; and it's human nature to weave a romance around two interesting figures placed toward each other as these are."

District Attorney," he broke out suddenly and fiercely, "between two mediums. They'll hold his hands!" Already frightened by the possible result of the plot, Rainey, with a vehemence born of fear, retorted sharply: "Hold his hands! How're you going to make him hold his tongue, afterward?" Gaylor turned upon him savagely.

Hallowell's bedroom opened directly upon the semicircle at the point most distant from the cabinet. In the centre of the semicircle Vance had placed the invalid's arm chair. Vance, in his manner as professional and undisturbed as a photographer focussing his camera and arranging his screens, was explaining to Judge Gaylor the setting of his stage. The judge was an unwilling audience.

If there should be any attempt to rush the cabinet, we must get there first. I will be outside the cabinet working the rappings, the floating music, and the astral bodies." At the sight of the expression these words brought to the face of Gaylor, Vance permitted himself the shadow of a smile. "I can take care of myself," he went on, "but remember Vera must not be caught outside the cabinet!

In a celebrated criminal case in which Gaylor had acted as chief counsel, he had found Rainey complaisant and apparently totally without the moral sense. And when in Garrett he had discovered for Mr. Hallowell a model servant, he had also urged upon his friend, for his resident physician, his protege Rainey. Still at white heat, the older man began abruptly: "This gentleman is from the Republic.