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His writing is trim, his accounts in good form and correctly figured. But it was more a fashion in that day to spell as pronounced, and his orthography gives us a personal sense of the period. "To plowin garding ... 2 shillin." You can almost hear him say that, while "To haulin stun" likewise carries the fine old flavor.

Fine flat sand, never a catspaw, trees all around of it, and flowers a-blowing like a garding on that old ship." "And once beached," I inquired, "how shall we get her off again?" "Why, so," he replied: "you take a line ashore there on the other side at low water: take a turn about one o' them big pines; bring it back, take a turn around the capstan, and lie-to for the tide.

'For instance, if a bloke backed a winner and made a pile, 'e might call 'is 'ouse, "Epsom Lodge" or "Newmarket Villa". 'Or sometimes there's a hoak tree or a cherry tree in the garding, said another man; 'then they calls it "Hoak Lodge" or "Cherry Cottage".

The river road leads to Edgewood 'n' Hillside, whar there's consid'able hayin' bein' done, as I happened to mention to Timothy this afternoon; and plenty o' blackberries 'side the road, 'specially after you pass the wood-pile on the left-hand side, whar there's a reg'lar garding of 'em right 'side of an old hoss-blanket that's layin' there; one that I happened to leave there one time when I was sleepin' ou'doors for my health, and that was this afternoon 'bout five o'clock, so I guess it hain't changed its location sence."

"Let's go into the garding," she said. Poor little Orion was quite in despair. "We are miles from the garden," he said. "I think you have gone silly." "S'pect I has," said Diana. "What fun!" "And you have got such a queer look on your face." "A k'eer look on my face?" repeated Diana. "Yes; and your eyes, they are ever so big; they frighten me."

This is my 1st attempt at writin a Tail & it is far from bein perfeck, but if I have indoosed folks to see that in 9 cases out of 10 they can either make life as barren as the Desert of Sarah, or as joyyus as a flower garding, my object will have been accomplished, and more too. , Friday, , 1860. On the sad sea shore! Always to hear the moaning of these dismal waves! Listen.

You are a very rich little gal; aint you, little dear?" "My faver's awfu' rich," said Diana. "We used to live in a most beaut'ful house, and we had a beaut'ful garding to play in. We had animals there lots and lots. Woman, is you fond of animals mices and that sort?" "Love I just adores 'em." "Then you is a nice sort," answered Diana. She left her place by Orion and crept up close to the woman.

One old gentleman as took a fancy to me w'en I wos a boy, said to me, one fine day, w'en I chanced to be ashore visitin' my mother says he, `My boy, would ye like to go with me and live in the country, and be a gardner? `Wot, says I, `keep a garding, and plant taters, and hoe flowers an' cabidges? `Yes, says he, `at least, somethin' o' that sort. `No, thankee, says I; `I b'long to the sea, I do; I wouldn't leave that 'ere no more nor I would quit my first love if I had one.

"Ho! goodness gracious me, ma'am," cried worthy Mrs Laker, bursting into her mistress's apartment "if here ain't a thousand robbers as is come for to pillidge the ouse an' trample down the garding.

I wish I had such a Forrest in my Garding! I feel that the Show Bizniss, which Ive stroven to ornyment, is bein usurpt by Poplar Lecturs, as thay air kalled, tho in my pinion thay air poplar humbugs. Individoouls, who git hard up, embark in the lecturin biznis.