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All of the north part of the island is a marvellous show of their skill and ingenuity in landscape gardenin', and dwarf trees, and the wonderful garden effects for which they are noted. They make a present of the temple and all of these horticultural works to Chicago. To remain always a ornament of Jackson Park, which I call very pretty in 'em.

It was one of Mary's own little clearings round the pale green points. "I did it," said Mary. "Why, I thought tha' didn't know nothin' about gardenin'," he exclaimed. "I don't," she answered, "but they were so little, and the grass was so thick and strong, and they looked as if they had no room to breathe. So I made a place for them. I don't even know what they are."

Bennett, owin' to town opinions, you try the gardenin' business! That'll make a man of ye! I allus sez if Adam had stuck to the gardenin' business an' left the tailorin' trade alone we'd have all been in Eden now!" His eyes twinkled, as glancing round the company, he saw that his words had made an impression and awakened a responsive smile "Good- night t'ye!"

There's a bed here that the extry man sleeps on when there is an extry. None now. Real gardenin' comes to a standstill when Dennis has the chills. You can put the baby down there an' let her sleep her sleep out. You might 's well lie down yourself and take a snooze, bein' you're that petered out a luggin'. "I must get back an' start up dinner," continued Mary.

"How'd you like to be doin' a nice quiet job at gardenin' in the East where you could belly up to the bar reg'lar every evenin', and drink a pussy cafe and smoke tailor-made cigareets?" "You wouldn't like it a bit," put in the Cattleman with decision; whereupon in proof he told us the following story: Windy has mentioned Gentleman Tim, and that reminded me of the first time I ever saw him.

He gave one more estimating look at the forlorn waste. "Well, I'll be over in the mornin'." "You needn't," Sophy called after him. "I don't want any gardenin' done," she cried the louder; but Jim paid no attention. He was at the other gate now, leading into Eliza's grounds, and there he found Eliza waiting for him. She looked older than her sister.

That would be better, perhaps; I have thought about it." "Let me see your hands. They look like gardenin': two rose-leaves! Don't it make me wish to be back in my prime? Work for you! Wouldn't I love to work for you?" "And do you not, in every way you can? Am I to have no pride about accepting so much service? What a poor creature you must take me for, Mr. Chillis."

Now we've run to the other extreme, it's got to be too big an interest with us, and ain't suited to the political institutions of our great country. Natur' designed us for an agricultural people, and our government was predicated on the supposition that we would be so. Mr. Hopewell was of the same opinion. He was a great hand at gardenin', orchadin', farmin', and what not.

You see, it was this way: there's a narrow strip down by the road where our four-acre estate sort of pinches out, and Vee had planned to do some fancy landscape gardenin' on it a bed of cannas down the middle, I believe, and then rows of salvia, and geraniums and other things. She had it all mapped out on paper. Also the bulbs and potted plants had arrived and were ready to be put in.

"Then we tried bringin' up children, and lumberin' an' roads, an' cookin', an' crops, an' stock, an' wages, an' schools, an' gardenin', but we couldn't touch bottom nowhere. Never a word to be had out'n her. So we give up and now we just sit like stotin' bottles, an' eat an' do our visitin' with each other odd minutes afterward." "Why, she don't look to be half-witted," said the other.