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The tree begins to bear fruit in its third or fourth year, and in its fifth or sixth it reaches maturity, when it usually yields a "ganta" of cacao, which, as I have mentioned, is worth from two to two and a half dollars, and always finds a purchaser.

Take it and give it back to him." "Never mind, sir," answered the ape, "he has so much gold that that small piece is nothing to him. You may keep it." Some weeks afterward, the ape went again to borrow the chief's ganta. "What do you want it for now?" asked the chief. "To measure my master's silver with," was the answer.

Reckoning, as in Naga, one ganta of seed-corn at four loanes, and seventy-five cabanes of produce at one quiñon, the eastern rice land costs, in the first instance, three thalers and a third, in the second three thalers. The owner lets the bare property out on leases, and receives one-half the harvest as rent.

Arenas thinks that the ancient annals of the Chinese probably contain information relative to the settlement of the present inhabitants of Manila, as that people had early intercourse with the Archipelago. Probably the Anodonta Purpurea, according to V. Martens. 1 ganta = 3 liters. 1 quiñon = 100 lo

The old ganta of Naga, however, being equal to a modern ganta and a half, the produce may be calculated at 75 cavanes per quiñon, about 9 3/4 bushels per acre. In books 250 cavanes are usually stated to be the average produce of a quiñon; but that is an exaggeration.

A large portion of this rice is frequently lost on account of the bad weather. In Catbalogan the best rice land was paid for at the rate of one dollar for a ganta of seed-corn, and, on the north coast of Lauang, a field producing yearly one hundred cabanes was purchased for thirty dollars.

Sowing is done from May to June, weeding twice, and five months later it is cut stalk by stalk; the reaper receiving half a real daily wages and food. The produce is between two and three cabanes per ganta, or fifty to seventy fold. The land costs nothing, and wages amount to nearly five reals per ganta of seed-corn.

Now he hit upon a plan. He went to the chief's house and asked for a ganta, which is a measure holding about three quarts and used for measuring rice. "My master," he said, "begs you to lend him a ganta to measure his gold with." The chief was astonished at such an extraordinary request, and asked: "Who is your master?"

"Masoy, who owns many gantas of gold and silver, acres upon acres of land; and uncountable heads of cattle," was the reply. The ape carried the ganta home, and there he stuck the piece of gold he had found on the inside of the bottom of the measure, and then returned it to the chief. "Oh, ape!" said the datto, "your master has forgotten to take out one piece of gold.