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I did not want to see what another man had to say to her! And, if you will believe me, she was delighted, and said, "Now I know that you were not all pretending, but do care for me a little wee bit!" Indeed, Charlotte was so delighted that it was perhaps as well for the smooth flowing of their love story that Tam Gallaberry was at that moment investigating their joint post office.

But I stopped, and though Uncle Eben was almost opposite to me, and within thirty yards, I called after her, "The day will come, Irma Maitland, when you will be sorry for the injustice you are doing!" For I thought of how she would feel when Charlotte told about her cousin Tam Gallaberry and all that I had done for them though, indeed, it was mostly by accident.

"Humph," said her father, as he flung it across the table to me, "in my opinion ye are well shut of her! She will twist that Tam Gallaberry round her finger and then whizz she will make him spin like a peerie!" He rose, and without any adieus stamped his way down the stairs, sniffing as he went at every landing.

However, after a while I brought Charlotte to earth again, out of the exaltation of our mutual self-sacrifice, by the reminder that at that moment our fathers would be arranging as to our joint future and that without the least regard for our present noble sentiments, or those of the happily absent Mr. Thomas Gallaberry.

You take my word for it I, Duncan MacAlpine, know what I am talking about. Charlotte Anderson too. So finally, after a while, I became very noble and said what a fine thing it was to give up something very precious for others. And I asked her if she could think of anything much nobler than willingly to give up as fine a girl as herself Charlotte Anderson for the sake of Tam Gallaberry?

Who is the man?" "I do not know for certain," I said, "but I have every reason to believe that your daughter is at this moment Mistress Thomas Gallaberry of Ewebuchts, on the Water of Ae!" "Oh, the limmer," he cried, and started up as if to fly at me again. His face was indeed a study.

And the reason of it was, he had not, as he ought, married and settled. For which sin of omission, as the gossips of Eden Valley said, "there was bound to be a reason!" Charlotte herself did not send a line, excepting always the letters I was to forward to Tom Gallaberry at his farm of Ewebuchts on the Water of Ae.

And she wrote home, and my father threatened Tam to shoot him with the gun if he came after me all because we were cousins and only seconds at any rate. Oh-h-h-h! What shall I do?" I had to support Charlotte here though merely as handkerchief-holder and in the purest interests of the absent Mr. Thomas Gallaberry.

She said she was, but did not persist too much in the statement. So we left Tom Gallaberry out of the question, and set ourselves to arrange what we were to say to our two fathers. "It will be terrible hard to pretend!" I said, shaking my head. "It will be a sin at least, for long!" she answered. I exposed the situation. There was to be no immediate talk of marriage.

"Oh, I just thought it," she said remorsefully. "I am sorry if it was true if you do really care about me so much as all that!" I was still thinking of Tam Gallaberry. So apparently was she. Virtue is its own reward, and so is mutual consolation. It is very consoling. Half the happy love stories in the world begin that way just with telling about the unhappy ones that went before.